Source code for paddlenlp.ops.fast_transformer.transformer.encoder

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import paddle
from paddle.nn import TransformerEncoder, TransformerEncoderLayer

from paddlenlp.ops.ext_utils import LOADED_EXT, load
from paddlenlp.ops.fast_transformer.transformer.decoding import transfer_param
from paddlenlp.utils.log import logger

from .decoding import run_custom

[docs]def infer_transformer_encoder( input, attn_mask, q_weight, q_bias, k_weight, k_bias, v_weight, v_bias, attn_out_weight, attn_out_bias, norm1_weight, norm1_bias, norm2_weight, norm2_bias, ffn_inter_weight, ffn_inter_bias, ffn_out_weight, ffn_out_bias, # sequence_id_offset, # trt_seqlen_offset, # amax_list, n_head, size_per_head, n_layer=12, use_gelu=True, remove_padding=False, int8_mode=0, layer_idx=0, allow_gemm_test=False, use_trt_kernel=False, normalize_before=False, ): """ Fusion Encoder API intergrating Encoder inference in FastGeneration. It accepts the weight and bias of TransformerEncoder and some other parameters for inference. """ inputs_names = [ "Input", "SelfAttnMask", "SelfQueryWeight@VECTOR", "SelfQueryBias@VECTOR", "SelfKeyWeight@VECTOR", "SelfKeyBias@VECTOR", "SelfValueWeight@VECTOR", "SelfValueBias@VECTOR", "SelfAttnOutputWeight@VECTOR", "SelfAttnOutputBias@VECTOR", "SelfAttnOutputLayernormWeight@VECTOR", "SelfAttnOutputLayernormBias@VECTOR", "OutputLayernormWeight@VECTOR", "OutputLayernormBias@VECTOR", "FFNInterWeight@VECTOR", "FFNInterBias@VECTOR", "FFNOutputWeight@VECTOR", "FFNOutputBias@VECTOR", # 'SequenceIdOffset', # "TRTSeqLenOffset", # 'AmaxList' ] inputs_var = [ input, attn_mask, q_weight, q_bias, k_weight, k_bias, v_weight, v_bias, attn_out_weight, attn_out_bias, norm1_weight, norm1_bias, norm2_weight, norm2_bias, ffn_inter_weight, ffn_inter_bias, ffn_out_weight, ffn_out_bias, # 'SequenceIdOffset': sequence_id_offset, # "TRTSeqLenOffset": trt_seqlen_offset, # 'AmaxList': amax_list ] attrs_names = [ "head_num", "size_per_head", "use_gelu", "remove_padding", "int8_mode", "num_layer", "layer_idx", "allow_gemm_test", "use_trt_kernel", "normalize_before", ] attrs_val = [ n_head, size_per_head, use_gelu, remove_padding, int8_mode, n_layer, layer_idx, allow_gemm_test, use_trt_kernel, normalize_before, ] outputs_names = ["EncoderOut"] outputs_dtype = [input[0].dtype] return run_custom("fusion_encoder", inputs_names, inputs_var, attrs_names, attrs_val, outputs_names, outputs_dtype)
[docs]def encoder_layer_forward(self, src, src_mask, cache=None, sequence_id_offset=None, trt_seq_len=None): """ Redefines `forward` function of `paddle.nn.TransformerEncoderLayer` for integrating FastGeneration for inference. The original `forward` function would not be replaced unless `enable_fast_encoder` is called by objects of its base class. After replacing, objects of `paddle.nn.TransformerEncoderLayer` also have the same member variables as before. After inference, `disable_fast_encoder` could be called to restore the `forward` function of `paddle.nn.TransformerEncoder` and `paddle.nn.TransformerEncoderLayer`. Args: src (Tensor): The input of Transformer encoder layer. It is a tensor with shape `[batch_size, sequence_length, d_model]`. The data type should be float32 or float64. src_mask (Tensor, optional): A tensor used in multi-head attention to prevents attention to some unwanted positions, usually the paddings or the subsequent positions. It is a tensor with shape `[batch_size, 1, 1, sequence_length]`. When the data type is bool, the unwanted positions have `False` values and the others have `True` values. When the data type is int, the unwanted positions have 0 values and the others have 1 values. When the data type is float, the unwanted positions have `-INF` values and the others have 0 values. It can be None when nothing wanted or needed to be prevented attention to. Defaults to None. Returns: src(Tensor|tuple): It is a tensor that has the same shape and data type as `enc_input`, representing the output of Transformer encoder layer. Or a tuple if `cache` is not None, except for encoder layer output, the tuple includes the new cache which is same as input `cache` argument but `incremental_cache` has an incremental length. See `paddle.nn.MultiHeadAttention.gen_cache` and `paddle.nn.MultiHeadAttention.forward` for more details. """ if cache is not None: raise NotImplementedError("cache in encoder is not supported now") src = infer_transformer_encoder( input=[src], attn_mask=[src_mask], q_weight=[self.self_attn.q_proj.weight], q_bias=[self.self_attn.q_proj.bias], k_weight=[self.self_attn.k_proj.weight], k_bias=[self.self_attn.k_proj.bias], v_weight=[self.self_attn.v_proj.weight], v_bias=[self.self_attn.v_proj.bias], attn_out_weight=[self.self_attn.out_proj.weight], attn_out_bias=[self.self_attn.out_proj.bias], norm1_weight=[self.norm1.weight], norm1_bias=[self.norm1.bias], norm2_weight=[self.norm2.weight], norm2_bias=[self.norm2.bias], ffn_inter_weight=[self.linear1.weight], ffn_inter_bias=[self.linear1.bias], ffn_out_weight=[self.linear2.weight], ffn_out_bias=[self.linear2.bias], # sequence_id_offset=paddle.to_tensor([]), # trt_seqlen_offset=paddle.to_tensor([]), # amax_list=paddle.to_tensor([]), # int8 mode is not supported. n_head=self._config["nhead"], size_per_head=self._config["d_model"] // self._config["nhead"], use_gelu=self._config["activation"] == "gelu", normalize_before=self._config["normalize_before"] is True, ) return src
[docs]def encoder_forward(self, src, src_mask=None, cache=None): """ Redefines `forward` function of `paddle.nn.TransformerEncoder` for integrating FastGeneration for inference. The original `forward` function would not be replaced unless `enable_fast_encoder` is called by objects of its base class. After replacing, objects of `paddle.nn.TransformerEncoder` also have the same member variables as before. After inference, `disable_fast_encoder` could be called to restore the `forward` function of `paddle.nn.TransformerEncoder` and `paddle.nn.TransformerEncoderLayer`. Args: src (Tensor): The input of Transformer encoder. It is a tensor with shape `[batch_size, sequence_length, d_model]`. The data type should be float32 or float16. src_mask (Tensor, optional): A tensor used in multi-head attention to prevents attention to some unwanted positions, usually the paddings or the subsequent positions. It is a tensor with shape `[batch_size, 1, 1, sequence_length]`. The data type must be float, the unwanted positions have `-INF` values or other non-zeros and the wanted positions must be 0.0. Returns: output (Tensor|tuple): It is a tensor that has the same shape and data type as `src`, representing the output of Transformer encoder. Or a tuple if `cache` is not None, except for encoder output, the tuple includes the new cache which is same as input `cache` argument but `incremental_cache` in it has an incremental length. See `paddle.nn.MultiHeadAttention.gen_cache` and `paddle.nn.MultiHeadAttention.forward` for more details. """ if cache is not None: raise NotImplementedError("cache in encoder is not supported now") if src_mask.dtype == paddle.float16: src_mask = paddle.cast(src_mask, dtype="float32") src_mask = src_mask == 0.0 if src_mask.dtype != src.dtype: src_mask = paddle.cast(src_mask, src.dtype) if len(src_mask.shape) == 4: # transpose_src_mask: [batch_size, 1, sequence_length, 1] transpose_src_mask = paddle.transpose(src_mask, perm=[0, 1, 3, 2]) # src_mask: [batch_size, 1, sequence_length, sequence_length] src_mask = src_mask * transpose_src_mask if getattr(self, "q_weight", None) is None: self.q_weight = [] self.q_bias = [] self.k_weight = [] self.k_bias = [] self.v_weight = [] self.v_bias = [] self.attn_out_weight = [] self.attn_out_bias = [] self.norm1_weight = [] self.norm1_bias = [] self.norm2_weight = [] self.norm2_bias = [] self.ffn_inter_weight = [] self.ffn_inter_bias = [] self.ffn_out_weight = [] self.ffn_out_bias = [] for layer in self.layers: self.q_weight.append(layer.self_attn.q_proj.weight) self.q_bias.append(layer.self_attn.q_proj.bias) self.k_weight.append(layer.self_attn.k_proj.weight) self.k_bias.append(layer.self_attn.k_proj.bias) self.v_weight.append(layer.self_attn.v_proj.weight) self.v_bias.append(layer.self_attn.v_proj.bias) self.attn_out_weight.append(layer.self_attn.out_proj.weight) self.attn_out_bias.append(layer.self_attn.out_proj.bias) self.norm1_weight.append(layer.norm1.weight) self.norm1_bias.append(layer.norm1.bias) self.norm2_weight.append(layer.norm2.weight) self.norm2_bias.append(layer.norm2.bias) self.ffn_inter_weight.append(layer.linear1.weight) self.ffn_inter_bias.append(layer.linear1.bias) self.ffn_out_weight.append(layer.linear2.weight) self.ffn_out_bias.append(layer.linear2.bias) output = infer_transformer_encoder( input=[src], attn_mask=[src_mask], q_weight=self.q_weight, q_bias=self.q_bias, k_weight=self.k_weight, k_bias=self.k_bias, v_weight=self.v_weight, v_bias=self.v_bias, attn_out_weight=self.attn_out_weight, attn_out_bias=self.attn_out_bias, norm1_weight=self.norm1_weight, norm1_bias=self.norm1_bias, norm2_weight=self.norm2_weight, norm2_bias=self.norm2_bias, ffn_inter_weight=self.ffn_inter_weight, ffn_inter_bias=self.ffn_inter_bias, ffn_out_weight=self.ffn_out_weight, ffn_out_bias=self.ffn_out_bias, # sequence_id_offset=paddle.to_tensor([]), # trt_seqlen_offset=paddle.to_tensor([]), # amax_list=paddle.to_tensor([]), # int8 mode is not supported. n_head=self.layers[0]._config["nhead"], size_per_head=self.layers[0]._config["d_model"] // self.layers[0]._config["nhead"], use_gelu=self.layers[0]._config["activation"] == "gelu", normalize_before=self.layers[0]._config["normalize_before"] is True, ) if self.norm is not None: output = self.norm(output) return output
[docs]def enable_fast_encoder(self, use_fp16=False, encoder_lib=None): """ Compiles fusion encoder operator intergrated FastGeneration using the method of JIT(Just-In-Time) and replaces the `forward` function of `paddle.nn.TransformerEncoder` and `paddle.nn.TransformerEncoderLayer` objects inherited from `self` to support inference using FastGeneration. Examples: .. code-block:: python from paddlenlp.ops import enable_fast_encoder, disable_fast_encoder model.eval() model = enable_fast_encoder(model) enc_out = model(src, src_mask) model = disable_fast_encoder(model) """ def init_func(layer): if isinstance(layer, TransformerEncoderLayer): is_usable = True if layer._config["bias_attr"] is False: logger.warning( "`False` for paddle.nn.TransformerEncoder's" " parameter `bias_attr` is not supported in " "FastGeneration by now. The original forward" " will be involved." ) is_usable = False if layer._config["activation"] not in ("relu", "gelu"): logger.warning("Only 'relu' or 'gelu' is supported by now. " "The original forward will be involved.") is_usable = False if is_usable: layer.forward = layer._ft_forward elif isinstance(layer, TransformerEncoder): layer.forward = layer._ft_forward if use_fp16: convert_to_fp16(layer) if not try: # Pass decoding lib to prevent re-building encoder. # Todo: check weather decoding lib have contained encoder or not. if encoder_lib is not None: if "FastGeneration" not in LOADED_EXT.keys(): ops = paddle.utils.cpp_extension.load_op_meta_info_and_register_op(encoder_lib) LOADED_EXT["FastGeneration"] = ops else: load("FastGeneration", verbose=True) except Exception: logger.warning("Exception occurs when using FasterEncoder. " "The original forward will be involved. ") return self for layer in self.children(): layer.apply(init_func) return self
[docs]def disable_fast_encoder(self): """ Restores the original `forward` function of `paddle.nn.TransformerEncoder` and `paddle.nn.TransformerEncoderLayer` objects inherited from `self`. Examples: .. code-block:: python from paddlenlp.ops import enable_fast_encoder, disable_fast_encoder model.eval() model = enable_fast_encoder(model) enc_out = model(src, src_mask) model = disable_fast_encoder(model) """ def init_func(layer): if isinstance(layer, (TransformerEncoderLayer, TransformerEncoder)): layer.forward = layer._ori_forward for layer in self.children(): layer.apply(init_func) return self
[docs]def convert_to_fp16(transformer_encoder): """Convert paddle.nn.TransformerEncoder's parameter from float32 to float16 Args: transformer_encoder (obeject, paddle.nn.TransformerEncoder): The object to be converted to float16 inplaced, it must be an isinstance of paddle.nn.TransformerEncoder. """ if not isinstance(transformer_encoder, paddle.nn.TransformerEncoder): logger.warning( "transformer_encoder is not isinstance of paddle.nn.TransformerEncoder, return itself with no parameters convertion.".format ) return transformer_encoder else: encoder_layers = transformer_encoder.layers for mod in encoder_layers: mod.norm1.weight = transfer_param(mod.norm1.weight, restore_data=True) mod.norm1.bias = transfer_param(mod.norm1.bias, is_bias=True, restore_data=True) mod.norm2.weight = transfer_param(mod.norm2.weight, restore_data=True) mod.norm2.bias = transfer_param(mod.norm2.bias, is_bias=True, restore_data=True) mod.linear1.weight = transfer_param(mod.linear1.weight, restore_data=True) mod.linear1.bias = transfer_param(mod.linear1.bias, is_bias=True, restore_data=True) mod.self_attn.q_proj.weight = transfer_param(mod.self_attn.q_proj.weight, restore_data=True) mod.self_attn.q_proj.bias = transfer_param(mod.self_attn.q_proj.bias, is_bias=True, restore_data=True) mod.self_attn.k_proj.weight = transfer_param(mod.self_attn.k_proj.weight, restore_data=True) mod.self_attn.k_proj.bias = transfer_param(mod.self_attn.k_proj.bias, is_bias=True, restore_data=True) mod.self_attn.v_proj.weight = transfer_param(mod.self_attn.v_proj.weight, restore_data=True) mod.self_attn.v_proj.bias = transfer_param(mod.self_attn.v_proj.bias, is_bias=True, restore_data=True) mod.self_attn.out_proj.weight = transfer_param(mod.self_attn.out_proj.weight, restore_data=True) mod.self_attn.out_proj.bias = transfer_param(mod.self_attn.out_proj.bias, is_bias=True, restore_data=True) mod.linear2.weight = transfer_param(mod.linear2.weight, restore_data=True) mod.linear2.bias = transfer_param(mod.linear2.bias, is_bias=True, restore_data=True)"Convert transformer_encoder's parameters from float32 to float16 succeessfully.")