paddlenlp.transformers.attention_utils 源代码

#   Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import collections
import copy

import numpy as np
import paddle
import paddle.nn as nn
import paddle.nn.functional as F
from paddle import ParamAttr
from paddle.nn import Layer

class Registry(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.cls_dict = {}

    def register(self, name):
        def add_item(name, cls):
            self.cls_dict[name] = cls
            return cls

        return lambda cls: add_item(name, cls)

AttentionRegistry = Registry()

def create_bigbird_rand_mask_idx(
    num_layers, query_length, key_length, num_heads, block_size, window_size, num_global_blocks, num_rand_blocks, seed
    # TODO(zsj): need to simplify
    num_key_blocks = key_length // block_size
    num_query_blocks = query_length // block_size
    num_window_blocks = window_size // 2
    all_key_blocks_idx = np.arange(0, num_key_blocks, dtype=np.int32)
    rand_mask_idx = [[] for i in range(num_heads)]
    for query_block_idx in range(num_query_blocks):
        left_key_block_idx = max(0, query_block_idx - num_window_blocks)
        right_key_block_idx = min(query_block_idx + num_window_blocks, num_key_blocks - 1)

        illegal_blocks_idx = [i for i in range(left_key_block_idx, right_key_block_idx + 1)]
        illegal_blocks_idx.extend([i for i in range(num_global_blocks)])
        left_key_block_idx = query_block_idx - num_window_blocks
        right_key_block_idx = query_block_idx + num_window_blocks

        if num_global_blocks > left_key_block_idx:
            num_fill_blocks = num_global_blocks - left_key_block_idx
            illegal_blocks_idx.extend([i for i in range(num_key_blocks - num_fill_blocks, num_key_blocks)])
        if right_key_block_idx >= num_key_blocks:
            num_fill_blocks = right_key_block_idx - num_key_blocks + 1
            illegal_blocks_idx.extend([i for i in range(num_global_blocks, num_global_blocks + num_fill_blocks)])

        illegal_blocks_idx = set(illegal_blocks_idx)

        for i in range(num_heads):
            legal_blocks_idx = []
            perm_block = np.random.permutation(all_key_blocks_idx)
            for j in perm_block:
                if j not in illegal_blocks_idx:
                if len(legal_blocks_idx) == num_rand_blocks:
    rand_mask_idx = np.stack(rand_mask_idx, axis=0)
    rand_mask_idx = rand_mask_idx[:, num_global_blocks:] - num_global_blocks // 2
    # transform rand_mask_idx
    H = rand_mask_idx.shape[0]
    L = rand_mask_idx.shape[1]
    R = rand_mask_idx.shape[2]
    rand_mask_idx = rand_mask_idx.reshape([-1, 1])
    head_idx = np.arange(H).reshape([-1, 1])
    head_idx = np.pad(head_idx, ([0, 0], [0, L * R - 1]), mode="edge").reshape([-1, 1])
    rand_mask_idx_list = np.concatenate([head_idx, rand_mask_idx], axis=1)
    return rand_mask_idx_list

def create_bigbird_rand_mask_idx_list(
    num_layers, query_length, key_length, num_heads, block_size, window_size, num_global_blocks, num_rand_blocks, seed
    rand_mask_idx_list = [
        for i in range(num_layers)
    rand_mask_idx_list = np.stack(rand_mask_idx_list)
    return rand_mask_idx_list

def _convert_param_attr_to_list(param_attr, n):
    if isinstance(param_attr, (list, tuple)):
        assert len(param_attr) == n, "length of param_attr should be %d when it is a list/tuple" % n
        param_attrs = []
        for attr in param_attr:
            if isinstance(attr, bool):
                if attr:
    elif isinstance(param_attr, bool):
        param_attrs = []
        if param_attr:
            param_attrs = [ParamAttr._to_attr(None) for i in range(n)]
            param_attrs = [False] * n
        param_attrs = []
        attr = ParamAttr._to_attr(param_attr)
        for i in range(n):
            attr_i = copy.deepcopy(attr)
       = + "_" + str(i)
    return param_attrs

[文档]class Linear3D(Layer): def __init__(self, hidden_size, num_attention_heads, size_per_head, weight_attr=None, bias_attr=None): super(Linear3D, self).__init__() self._dtype = self._helper.get_default_dtype() self._weight_attr = weight_attr self._bias_attr = bias_attr self.weight = self.create_parameter( shape=[hidden_size, hidden_size], attr=self._weight_attr, dtype=self._dtype, is_bias=False ) self.bias = self.create_parameter(shape=[hidden_size], attr=self._bias_attr, dtype=self._dtype, is_bias=True) self.size_per_head = size_per_head self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.hidden_size = hidden_size
[文档] def forward(self, input): # abc,cde->adbe B, T, D = input.shape H = self.num_attention_heads result = paddle.matmul(input, self.weight) reshape_b = paddle.reshape(self.bias, [1, 1, D]) result += reshape_b result = paddle.reshape(result, [B, T, H, -1]) result = paddle.transpose(result, [0, 2, 1, 3]) return result
[文档]class Attention(Layer): def __init__(self, num_heads=1, block_size=1, window_size=3, num_global_blocks=1, num_rand_blocks=1, seed=None): super().__init__()
[文档] def forward( self, query_matrix, key_matrix, value_matrix, d_head, attn_mask=None, rand_mask_idx=None, query_mask=None, key_mask=None, dropout=None, ): raise NotImplementedError
[文档]@AttentionRegistry.register("default_attention") class DefaultAttention(Attention):
[文档] def forward( self, query_matrix, key_matrix, value_matrix, d_head, attn_mask=None, rand_mask_idx=None, query_mask=None, key_mask=None, dropout=None, ): # scale dot product attention product = paddle.matmul(x=query_matrix, y=key_matrix, transpose_y=True) product = product * (d_head**-0.5) product += (1 - paddle.matmul(query_mask, key_mask)) * -1e6 if attn_mask is not None: product = product + attn_mask weights = F.softmax(product) if dropout: weights = F.dropout(weights, dropout,, mode="upscale_in_train") out = paddle.matmul(weights, value_matrix) return out
[文档]@AttentionRegistry.register("bigbird") class BigBirdSparseAttention(Attention): def __init__(self, num_heads=1, block_size=1, window_size=3, num_global_blocks=1, num_rand_blocks=1, seed=None): super(BigBirdSparseAttention, self).__init__( num_heads, block_size, window_size, num_global_blocks, num_rand_blocks, seed ) for k, v in locals().items(): if k != "self": setattr(self, k, v) self.num_global_blocks_back = num_global_blocks // 2 self.num_global_blocks_front = ( num_global_blocks // 2 if num_global_blocks % 2 == 0 else num_global_blocks // 2 + 1 ) def _get_band_mask(self, blocked_query_mask, blocked_key_mask, batch_size, sequence_length): """ Return second mask: [B, 1, L-G, bs, G+W] """ GB = self.num_global_blocks_back GF = self.num_global_blocks_front G = self.num_global_blocks W = self.window_size bs = self.block_size T = sequence_length L = T // bs # blocked length B = batch_size H = self.num_heads # G+W+R # query_mask: [B, L, bs] # key_mask: [B, L, bs] # [B, L-G, bs, 1] * [B, L-G, 1, G*bs] -> [B, L-G, bs, G*bs] temp_query_mask = paddle.reshape(blocked_query_mask[:, GF:-GB], [B, L - G, bs, 1]) temp_key_mask_front = paddle.reshape(blocked_key_mask[:, :GF], [B, 1, 1, GF * bs]) global_block_mask_front = paddle.einsum("blqd,bmdk->blqk", temp_query_mask, temp_key_mask_front) temp_key_mask_back = paddle.reshape(blocked_key_mask[:, -GB:], [B, 1, 1, GB * bs]) global_block_mask_back = paddle.einsum("blqd,bmdk->blqk", temp_query_mask, temp_key_mask_back) # create window block mask key_mask_list = [] for query_block_id in range(GF, GF + W // 2): left_block_id = query_block_id - W // 2 right_block_id = query_block_id + W // 2 zero_key_mask = paddle.zeros_like(blocked_key_mask[:, -(W - (right_block_id + 1 - G)) : -GB]) temp_key_mask = paddle.concat([blocked_key_mask[:, GF : (right_block_id + 1)], zero_key_mask], axis=1) temp_key_mask = paddle.unsqueeze(temp_key_mask, 1) key_mask_list.append(temp_key_mask) roll_key_mask1 = paddle.concat(key_mask_list, axis=1) roll_key_mask1 = paddle.reshape(roll_key_mask1, [0, 0, W * bs]) key_mask_list = [] band_length = L - G - W // 2 * 2 for query_block_id in range(GF + W // 2, GF + W // 2 + W): left_block_id = query_block_id - W // 2 right_block_id = query_block_id + W // 2 key_mask_list.append(blocked_key_mask[:, left_block_id : left_block_id + band_length]) window_key_mask = paddle.concat(key_mask_list, axis=2) window_key_mask = paddle.reshape(window_key_mask, [0, 0, W * bs]) key_mask_list = [] for query_block_id in range((L - GB) - W // 2, L - GB): left_block_id = query_block_id - W // 2 right_block_id = query_block_id + W // 2 zero_key_mask = paddle.zeros_like(blocked_key_mask[:, GF : GF + W - (L - left_block_id - GB)]) temp_key_mask = paddle.concat([zero_key_mask, blocked_key_mask[:, left_block_id:-GB]], axis=1) temp_key_mask = paddle.unsqueeze(temp_key_mask, 1) key_mask_list.append(temp_key_mask) roll_key_mask2 = paddle.concat(key_mask_list, axis=1) roll_key_mask2 = paddle.reshape(roll_key_mask2, [0, 0, W * bs]) window_key_mask = paddle.concat([roll_key_mask1, window_key_mask, roll_key_mask2], axis=1) window_key_mask = paddle.unsqueeze(window_key_mask, axis=2) # [B, L-G, bs, 1] * [B, L-G, 1, W*bs] -> [B, L-G, bs, W*bs] window_block_mask = paddle.einsum("blkd,bldq->blkq", temp_query_mask, window_key_mask) band_mask = paddle.concat([global_block_mask_front, window_block_mask, global_block_mask_back], axis=3) band_mask = paddle.unsqueeze(band_mask, 1) # for head band_mask = paddle.expand(band_mask, [B, H, L - G, bs, -1]) return band_mask def _get_band_matrix(self, blocked_matrix, B, T): """ return global and window matrix: [B, H, L-G, (G+W) * bs, -1] """ # blocked_matrix: [B, H, L, bs, -1] GB = self.num_global_blocks_back GF = self.num_global_blocks_front G = self.num_global_blocks W = self.window_size bs = self.block_size L = T // bs # blocked length H = self.num_heads # get roll matrix blocked_list = [] for query_block_id in range(GF, GF + W // 2): left_block_id = query_block_id - W // 2 right_block_id = query_block_id + W // 2 temp_blocked_matrix_list = [ blocked_matrix[:, :, 0 : (right_block_id + 1)], blocked_matrix[:, :, -(G + W - right_block_id - 1) :], ] temp_blocked_matrix = paddle.concat(temp_blocked_matrix_list, axis=2) temp_blocked_matrix = paddle.unsqueeze(temp_blocked_matrix, axis=2) blocked_list.append(temp_blocked_matrix) # get window matrix band_length = L - G - W // 2 * 2 band_matrix_list = [] for query_block_id in range(GF + W // 2, GF + W // 2 + W): left_block_id = query_block_id - W // 2 right_block_id = query_block_id + W // 2 band_matrix_list.append( paddle.unsqueeze(blocked_matrix[:, :, left_block_id : left_block_id + band_length], axis=3) ) band_matrix = paddle.concat(band_matrix_list, axis=3) global_blocked_front_matrix = paddle.unsqueeze(blocked_matrix[:, :, :GF], axis=2) global_blocked_front_matrix = paddle.expand(global_blocked_front_matrix, [B, H, band_length, GF, bs, -1]) global_blocked_back_matrix = paddle.unsqueeze(blocked_matrix[:, :, -GB:], axis=2) global_blocked_back_matrix = paddle.expand(global_blocked_back_matrix, [B, H, band_length, GB, bs, -1]) band_matrix = paddle.concat([global_blocked_front_matrix, band_matrix, global_blocked_back_matrix], axis=3) blocked_list.append(band_matrix) for query_block_id in range(L - GB - W // 2, L - GB): left_block_id = query_block_id - W // 2 right_block_id = query_block_id + W // 2 temp_blocked_matrix_list = [ blocked_matrix[:, :, 0 : G + W - (L - left_block_id)], blocked_matrix[:, :, left_block_id:], ] temp_blocked_matrix = paddle.concat(temp_blocked_matrix_list, axis=2) temp_blocked_matrix = paddle.unsqueeze(temp_blocked_matrix, axis=2) blocked_list.append(temp_blocked_matrix) band_matrix = paddle.concat(blocked_list, axis=2) band_matrix = paddle.reshape(band_matrix, [B, H, L - G, (G + W) * bs, -1]) return band_matrix def _get_rand_mask(self, blocked_query_mask, blocked_key_mask, rand_mask_idx, batch_size, sequence_length): """ return random mask: [B, H, L-G, bs, R * bs] """ # rand_mask_idx: [H, T] # blocked_query_mask: [B, L, bs] # blocked_key_mask: [B, L, bs] bs = self.block_size B = batch_size L = sequence_length // bs H = self.num_heads GB = self.num_global_blocks_back GF = self.num_global_blocks_front R = self.num_rand_blocks temp_block_key_mask = paddle.unsqueeze(blocked_key_mask, 1) temp_block_key_mask = paddle.expand(temp_block_key_mask, [B, H, L, -1]) temp_block_key_mask_list = [paddle.gather_nd(temp_block_key_mask[b], rand_mask_idx) for b in range(B)] temp_block_key_mask = paddle.concat(temp_block_key_mask_list, 0) temp_block_key_mask = paddle.reshape( temp_block_key_mask, [B, temp_block_key_mask.shape[0] // B // (L - GF - GB) // R, L - GF - GB, -1] ) rand_mask = paddle.einsum("blq,bhlk->bhlqk", blocked_query_mask[:, GF:-GB], temp_block_key_mask) return rand_mask def _gather_random_key_value(self, blocked_matrix, rand_mask_idx, B, T): """ return random key matrix: [B, H, L-G, R * bs, -1] """ # blocked_matrix: [B, H, L, bs, -1] # rand_mask_idx: [H, T] G = self.num_global_blocks H = self.num_heads bs = self.block_size L = T // bs R = self.num_rand_blocks gathered_matrix = paddle.concat( [paddle.gather_nd(blocked_matrix[b, :], rand_mask_idx) for b in range(B)], axis=0 ) gathered_matrix = paddle.reshape(gathered_matrix, [B, H, L - G, R * bs, -1]) return gathered_matrix def _get_global_out(self, query_matrix, key_matrix, value_matrix, key_mask, d_head, dropout, is_front=True): GB = self.num_global_blocks_back GF = self.num_global_blocks_front if is_front: global_query_matrix = query_matrix[:, :, 0 : GF * self.block_size] else: global_query_matrix = query_matrix[:, :, -GB * self.block_size :] global_product = paddle.matmul(global_query_matrix, key_matrix, transpose_y=True) global_product = global_product * (d_head**-0.5) global_product += (1 - key_mask) * -1e6 global_weights = F.softmax(global_product) # [B, H, GF*bs, T] * [B, H, T, D] -> [B, H, GF*bs, D] global_product = paddle.matmul(global_weights, value_matrix) return global_product def _get_splited_matrix(self, matrix): W = self.window_size // 2 return matrix[:, :, 0:W], matrix[:, :, W:-W], matrix[:, :, -W:]
[文档] def forward( self, query_matrix, key_matrix, value_matrix, d_head, attn_mask=None, rand_mask_idx=None, query_mask=None, key_mask=None, dropout=None, ): """ query_matrix: [B, H, T, D] key_matrix: [B, H, T, D] value_matrix: [B, H, T, D] query_mask: [B, 1, T, 1] bool mask key_mask: [B, 1, 1, T] bool mask rand_mask_idx: [H, T//bs, bs] Global Attention Random Attention Window Attention """ B = query_matrix.shape[0] # batch_size H = self.num_heads T = query_matrix.shape[2] # sequence_length G = self.num_global_blocks GB = self.num_global_blocks_back GF = self.num_global_blocks_front R = self.num_rand_blocks bs = self.block_size L = T // bs # blocked length blocked_query_matrix = paddle.reshape(query_matrix, [B, H, L, bs, -1]) blocked_key_matrix = paddle.reshape(key_matrix, [B, H, L, bs, -1]) blocked_value_matrix = paddle.reshape(value_matrix, [B, H, L, bs, -1]) blocked_query_mask = paddle.reshape(query_mask, [B, L, bs]) blocked_key_mask = paddle.reshape(key_mask, [B, L, bs]) # 1. global_front_product global_front_out = self._get_global_out(query_matrix, key_matrix, value_matrix, key_mask, d_head, dropout) # 2. global_back_product global_back_out = self._get_global_out( query_matrix, key_matrix, value_matrix, key_mask, d_head, dropout, False ) # 3. second_product # create second matrix # [B, 1, L-G, bs, (G+W)*bs] band_mask = self._get_band_mask(blocked_query_mask, blocked_key_mask, B, T) # [B, H, L-G, bs, R*bs] rand_mask = self._get_rand_mask(blocked_query_mask, blocked_key_mask, rand_mask_idx, B, T) # [B, H, L-G, bs, (G+W+R)*bs] second_mask = paddle.concat([band_mask, rand_mask], axis=4) # [B, H, L-G, R * bs, -1] random_keys = self._gather_random_key_value(blocked_key_matrix, rand_mask_idx, B, T) random_values = self._gather_random_key_value(blocked_value_matrix, rand_mask_idx, B, T) band_keys_matrix = self._get_band_matrix(blocked_key_matrix, B, T) band_value_matrix = self._get_band_matrix(blocked_value_matrix, B, T) # [B, H, L - G, bs, -1] second_query_matrix = blocked_query_matrix[:, :, GF:-GB] # [B, H, L - G, (G+W+R)*bs, -1] second_key_matrix = paddle.concat([band_keys_matrix, random_keys], axis=3) # [B, H, L - G, (G+W+R)*bs, -1] second_value_matrix = paddle.concat([band_value_matrix, random_values], axis=3) second_top_value_matrix, second_middle_value_matrix, second_bottom_value_matrix = self._get_splited_matrix( second_value_matrix ) second_product = paddle.einsum("bhlqd,bhlkd->bhlqk", second_query_matrix, second_key_matrix) second_product = second_product * (d_head**-0.5) second_product += (1 - second_mask) * -1e6 second_weights = F.softmax(second_product) second_top_weights, second_middle_weights, second_bottom_weights = self._get_splited_matrix(second_weights) second_top_out = paddle.einsum("bhlqk,bhlkd->bhlqd", second_top_weights, second_top_value_matrix) second_middle_out = paddle.einsum( "bhlqk,bhlkd->bhlqd", second_middle_weights[:, :, :, :, GF * bs : -(GB + R) * bs], second_middle_value_matrix[:, :, :, GF * bs : -(GB + R) * bs], ) # add global block attention second_middle_out += paddle.einsum( "bhlqk,bhkd->bhlqd", second_middle_weights[:, :, :, :, : GF * bs], blocked_value_matrix[:, :, 0] ) second_middle_out += paddle.einsum( "bhlqk,bhkd->bhlqd", second_middle_weights[:, :, :, :, -(GB + R) * bs : -R * bs], blocked_value_matrix[:, :, -GB], ) # add random block attention second_middle_out += paddle.einsum( "...qk,...kd->...qd", second_middle_weights[:, :, :, :, -R * bs :], random_values[:, :, GF:-GB] ) second_bottom_out = paddle.einsum("bhlqk,bhlkd->bhlqd", second_bottom_weights, second_bottom_value_matrix) second_out = paddle.concat([second_top_out, second_middle_out, second_bottom_out], axis=2) second_out = paddle.reshape(second_out, [B, H, (L - G) * bs, -1]) # [B, H, T, D] out = paddle.concat([global_front_out, second_out, global_back_out], axis=2) out = out * query_mask return out
[文档]class MultiHeadAttention(Layer): Cache = collections.namedtuple("Cache", ["k", "v"]) StaticCache = collections.namedtuple("StaticCache", ["k", "v"]) def __init__( self, embed_dim, num_heads, dropout=0.0, kdim=None, vdim=None, weight_attr=None, bias_attr=None, block_size=1, window_size=3, num_global_blocks=1, num_rand_blocks=1, seed=None, attention_type="bigbird", ): super(MultiHeadAttention, self).__init__() self.embed_dim = embed_dim self.kdim = kdim if kdim is not None else embed_dim self.vdim = vdim if vdim is not None else embed_dim self.num_heads = num_heads self.dropout = dropout self.head_dim = embed_dim // num_heads assert self.head_dim * num_heads == self.embed_dim, "embed_dim must be divisible by num_heads" self.q_proj = Linear3D(embed_dim, num_heads, self.head_dim, weight_attr, bias_attr=bias_attr) self.k_proj = Linear3D(embed_dim, num_heads, self.head_dim, weight_attr, bias_attr=bias_attr) self.v_proj = Linear3D(embed_dim, num_heads, self.head_dim, weight_attr, bias_attr=bias_attr) self.out_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim, weight_attr, bias_attr=bias_attr) self.attn_impl = AttentionRegistry.cls_dict[attention_type]( num_heads, block_size, window_size, num_global_blocks, num_rand_blocks, seed ) def _prepare_qkv(self, query, key, value, cache=None): q = self.q_proj(query) if isinstance(cache, self.StaticCache): # for encoder-decoder attention in inference and has cached k, v = cache.k, cache.v else: k, v = self.compute_kv(key, value) if isinstance(cache, self.Cache): # for decoder self-attention in inference k = paddle.concat([cache.k, k], axis=2) v = paddle.concat([cache.v, v], axis=2) cache = self.Cache(k, v) return (q, k, v) if cache is None else (q, k, v, cache) def compute_kv(self, key, value): k = self.k_proj(key) v = self.v_proj(value) return k, v def gen_cache(self, key, value=None, type=Cache): if type == MultiHeadAttention.StaticCache: # static_kv k, v = self.compute_kv(key, value) return self.StaticCache(k, v) elif value is None: # incremental_state k = paddle.full(shape=[-1, self.num_heads, 0, self.head_dim], fill_value=0, dtype=key.dtype) v = paddle.full(shape=[-1, self.num_heads, 0, self.head_dim], fill_value=0, dtype=key.dtype) return self.Cache(k, v) else: # incremental_state with initial value, mainly for usage like UniLM return self.Cache(key, value)
[文档] def forward( self, query, key, value, attn_mask=None, rand_mask_idx=None, query_mask=None, key_mask=None, cache=None ): key = query if key is None else key value = query if value is None else value # compute q ,k ,v if cache is None: q, k, v = self._prepare_qkv(query, key, value, cache) else: q, k, v, cache = self._prepare_qkv(query, key, value, cache) out = self.attn_impl(q, k, v, self.head_dim, attn_mask, rand_mask_idx, query_mask, key_mask, self.dropout) # combine heads out = paddle.transpose(out, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) out = paddle.reshape(x=out, shape=[0, 0, out.shape[2] * out.shape[3]]) # project to output out = self.out_proj(out) outs = [out] if cache is not None: outs.append(cache) return out if len(outs) == 1 else tuple(outs)