paddlenlp.taskflow.information_extraction 源代码

# coding:utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2022  PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import base64
import json
import os
import re
from typing import List

import numpy as np
import paddle
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download

from ..datasets import load_dataset
from ..layers import GlobalPointerForEntityExtraction, GPLinkerForRelationExtraction
from ..transformers import UIE, UIEM, UIEX, AutoModel, AutoTokenizer
from ..utils.doc_parser import DocParser
from ..utils.env import CONFIG_NAME, LEGACY_CONFIG_NAME
from ..utils.ie_utils import map_offset, pad_image_data
from ..utils.log import logger
from import get_bool_ids_greater_than, get_span
from .task import Task
from .utils import DataCollatorGP, SchemaTree, dbc2sbc, get_id_and_prob, gp_decode

usage = r"""
            from paddlenlp import Taskflow

            # Entity Extraction
            schema = ['时间', '选手', '赛事名称'] # Define the schema for entity extraction
            ie = Taskflow('information_extraction', schema=schema)
            [{'时间': [{'text': '2月8日上午', 'start': 0, 'end': 6, 'probability': 0.9857378532924486}], '选手': [{'text': '谷爱凌', 'start': 28, 'end': 31, 'probability': 0.8981548639781138}], '赛事名称': [{'text': '北京冬奥会自由式滑雪女子大跳台决赛', 'start': 6, 'end': 23, 'probability': 0.8503089953268272}]}]

            # Relation Extraction
            schema = [{"歌曲名称":["歌手", "所属专辑"]}] # Define the schema for relation extraction
            ie.set_schema(schema) # Reset schema
            [{'歌曲名称': [{'text': '告别了', 'start': 1, 'end': 4, 'probability': 0.6296155977145546, 'relations': {'歌手': [{'text': '孙耀威', 'start': 6, 'end': 9, 'probability': 0.9988381005599081}], '所属专辑': [{'text': '爱的故事', 'start': 12, 'end': 16, 'probability': 0.9968462078543183}]}}, {'text': '爱的故事', 'start': 12, 'end': 16, 'probability': 0.2816869478191606, 'relations': {'歌手': [{'text': '孙耀威', 'start': 6, 'end': 9, 'probability': 0.9951415104192272}]}}]}]

            # Event Extraction
            schema = [{'地震触发词': ['地震强度', '时间', '震中位置', '震源深度']}] # Define the schema for event extraction
            ie.set_schema(schema) # Reset schema
            [{'地震触发词': [{'text': '地震', 'start': 56, 'end': 58, 'probability': 0.9977425555988333, 'relations': {'地震强度': [{'text': '3.5级', 'start': 52, 'end': 56, 'probability': 0.998080217831891}], '时间': [{'text': '5月16日06时08分', 'start': 11, 'end': 22, 'probability': 0.9853299772936026}], '震中位置': [{'text': '云南临沧市凤庆县(北纬24.34度,东经99.98度)', 'start': 23, 'end': 50, 'probability': 0.7874012889740385}], '震源深度': [{'text': '10千米', 'start': 63, 'end': 67, 'probability': 0.9937974422968665}]}}]}]

            # Opinion Extraction
            schema = [{'评价维度': ['观点词', '情感倾向[正向,负向]']}] # Define the schema for opinion extraction
            ie.set_schema(schema) # Reset schema
            [{'评价维度': [{'text': '地址', 'start': 0, 'end': 2, 'probability': 0.9888139270606509, 'relations': {'观点词': [{'text': '不错', 'start': 2, 'end': 4, 'probability': 0.9927847072459528}], '情感倾向[正向,负向]': [{'text': '正向', 'probability': 0.998228967796706}]}}, {'text': '设施', 'start': 10, 'end': 12, 'probability': 0.9588297379365116, 'relations': {'观点词': [{'text': '陈旧', 'start': 12, 'end': 14, 'probability': 0.9286753967902683}], '情感倾向[正向,负向]': [{'text': '负向', 'probability': 0.9949389795770394}]}}, {'text': '服务', 'start': 5, 'end': 7, 'probability': 0.9592857070501211, 'relations': {'观点词': [{'text': '一般', 'start': 7, 'end': 9, 'probability': 0.9949359182521675}], '情感倾向[正向,负向]': [{'text': '负向', 'probability': 0.9952498258302498}]}}]}]

            # Sentence-level Sentiment Classification
            schema = ['情感倾向[正向,负向]'] # Define the schema for sentence-level sentiment classification
            ie.set_schema(schema) # Reset schema
            [{'情感倾向[正向,负向]': [{'text': '正向', 'probability': 0.9990024058203417}]}]

            # English Model
            schema = [{'Person': ['Company', 'Position']}]
            ie_en = Taskflow('information_extraction', schema=schema, model='uie-base-en')
            ie_en('In 1997, Steve was excited to become the CEO of Apple.')
            [{'Person': [{'text': 'Steve', 'start': 9, 'end': 14, 'probability': 0.999631971804547, 'relations': {'Company': [{'text': 'Apple', 'start': 48, 'end': 53, 'probability': 0.9960158209451642}], 'Position': [{'text': 'CEO', 'start': 41, 'end': 44, 'probability': 0.8871063806420736}]}}]}]

            schema = ['Sentiment classification [negative, positive]']
            ie_en('I am sorry but this is the worst film I have ever seen in my life.')
            [{'Sentiment classification [negative, positive]': [{'text': 'negative', 'probability': 0.9998415771287057}]}]

            # Multilingual Model
            schema = [{'Person': ['Company', 'Position']}]
            ie_m = Taskflow('information_extraction', schema=schema, model='uie-m-base', schema_lang="en")
            ie_m('In 1997, Steve was excited to become the CEO of Apple.')
            [{'Person': [{'text': 'Steve', 'start': 9, 'end': 14, 'probability': 0.9998436034905893, 'relations': {'Company': [{'text': 'Apple', 'start': 48, 'end': 53, 'probability': 0.9842775467359672}], 'Position': [{'text': 'CEO', 'start': 41, 'end': 44, 'probability': 0.9628799853543271}]}}]}]


[文档]def get_dynamic_max_length(examples, default_max_length: int, dynamic_max_length: List[int]) -> int: """get max_length by examples which you can change it by examples in batch""" cur_length = len(examples[0]["input_ids"]) max_length = default_max_length for max_length_option in sorted(dynamic_max_length): if cur_length <= max_length_option: max_length = max_length_option break return max_length
[文档]class UIETask(Task): """ Universal Information Extraction Task. Args: task(string): The name of task. model(string): The model name in the task. kwargs (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments passed along to the specific task. """ resource_files_names = { "model_state": "model_state.pdparams", "config": "config.json", "vocab_file": "vocab.txt", "special_tokens_map": "special_tokens_map.json", "tokenizer_config": "tokenizer_config.json", } # vocab.txt/special_tokens_map.json/tokenizer_config.json are common to the default model. resource_files_urls = { "uie-base": { "model_state": [ "", "47b93cf6a85688791699548210048085", ], "config": [ "", "ad8b5442c758fb2dc18ea53b61e867f7", ], "vocab_file": [ "", "1c1c1f4fd93c5bed3b4eebec4de976a8", ], "special_tokens_map": [ "", "8b3fb1023167bb4ab9d70708eb05f6ec", ], "tokenizer_config": [ "", "59acb0ce78e79180a2491dfd8382b28c", ], }, "uie-medium": { "model_state": [ "", "c34475665eb05e25f3c9cd9b020b331a", ], "config": [ "", "7fb22b3e07c5af76371c25ab814f06b8", ], "vocab_file": [ "", "1c1c1f4fd93c5bed3b4eebec4de976a8", ], "special_tokens_map": [ "", "8b3fb1023167bb4ab9d70708eb05f6ec", ], "tokenizer_config": [ "", "59acb0ce78e79180a2491dfd8382b28c", ], }, "uie-mini": { "model_state": [ "", "9a0805762c41b104d590c15fbe9b19fd", ], "config": [ "", "8ddebbf64c3f32a49e6f9e1c220e7322", ], "vocab_file": [ "", "1c1c1f4fd93c5bed3b4eebec4de976a8", ], "special_tokens_map": [ "", "8b3fb1023167bb4ab9d70708eb05f6ec", ], "tokenizer_config": [ "", "59acb0ce78e79180a2491dfd8382b28c", ], }, "uie-micro": { "model_state": [ "", "da67287bca2906864929e16493f748e4", ], "config": [ "", "544ddc65c758536cd3ba122f55b8709c", ], "vocab_file": [ "", "1c1c1f4fd93c5bed3b4eebec4de976a8", ], "special_tokens_map": [ "", "8b3fb1023167bb4ab9d70708eb05f6ec", ], "tokenizer_config": [ "", "59acb0ce78e79180a2491dfd8382b28c", ], }, "uie-nano": { "model_state": [ "", "48db5206232e89ef16b66467562d90e5", ], "config": [ "", "e0e0a2c0d9651ed1a8492be5507590a9", ], "vocab_file": [ "", "1c1c1f4fd93c5bed3b4eebec4de976a8", ], "special_tokens_map": [ "", "8b3fb1023167bb4ab9d70708eb05f6ec", ], "tokenizer_config": [ "", "59acb0ce78e79180a2491dfd8382b28c", ], }, # Rename to `uie-medium` and the name of `uie-tiny` will be deprecated in future. "uie-tiny": { "model_state": [ "", "c34475665eb05e25f3c9cd9b020b331a", ], "config": [ "", "7fb22b3e07c5af76371c25ab814f06b8", ], "vocab_file": [ "", "1c1c1f4fd93c5bed3b4eebec4de976a8", ], "special_tokens_map": [ "", "8b3fb1023167bb4ab9d70708eb05f6ec", ], "tokenizer_config": [ "", "59acb0ce78e79180a2491dfd8382b28c", ], }, "uie-medical-base": { "model_state": [ "", "7582d3b01f6faf00b7000111ea853796", ], "config": [ "", "ad8b5442c758fb2dc18ea53b61e867f7", ], "vocab_file": [ "", "1c1c1f4fd93c5bed3b4eebec4de976a8", ], "special_tokens_map": [ "", "8b3fb1023167bb4ab9d70708eb05f6ec", ], "tokenizer_config": [ "", "59acb0ce78e79180a2491dfd8382b28c", ], }, "uie-base-en": { "model_state": [ "", "8c5d5c8faa76681a0aad58f982cd6141", ], "config": [ "", "257b80ea8b7889fd8b83a9ace7a8a220", ], "vocab_file": [ "", "64800d5d8528ce344256daf115d4965e", ], "special_tokens_map": [ "", "8b3fb1023167bb4ab9d70708eb05f6ec", ], "tokenizer_config": [ "", "59acb0ce78e79180a2491dfd8382b28c", ], }, "uie-m-base": { "model_state": [ "", "eb00c06bd7144e76343d750f5bf36ff6", ], "config": [ "", "f03de3ce1b83c13e7bee18e6f323d33f", ], "vocab_file": [ "", "e6e1091c984592e72c4460e8eb25045e", ], "special_tokens_map": [ "", "8b3fb1023167bb4ab9d70708eb05f6ec", ], "tokenizer_config": [ "", "f144bd065ea90cc26eaa91197124bdcc", ], "sentencepiece_model_file": [ "", "bf25eb5120ad92ef5c7d8596b5dc4046", ], }, "uie-m-large": { "model_state": [ "", "9db83a67f34a9c2483dbe57d2510b4c2", ], "config": [ "", "8f540de05de57ecc66336b41f3a7ffdb", ], "vocab_file": [ "", "e6e1091c984592e72c4460e8eb25045e", ], "special_tokens_map": [ "", "8b3fb1023167bb4ab9d70708eb05f6ec", ], "tokenizer_config": [ "", "f144bd065ea90cc26eaa91197124bdcc", ], "sentencepiece_model_file": [ "", "bf25eb5120ad92ef5c7d8596b5dc4046", ], }, "uie-x-base": { "model_state": [ "", "a953b55f7639ae73d1df6c2c5f7667dd", ], "config": [ "", "6bcd7d4b119717121fa0276c20bd9224", ], "vocab_file": [ "", "e6e1091c984592e72c4460e8eb25045e", ], "special_tokens_map": [ "", "ba000b17745bb5b5b40236789318847f", ], "tokenizer_config": [ "", "09456ba644dac6f9d0b367353a36abe7", ], "sentencepiece_model_file": [ "", "bf25eb5120ad92ef5c7d8596b5dc4046", ], }, "__internal_testing__/tiny-random-uie": { "model_state": [ "", "9e89a3bf94081b2d9ed89118419a3061", ], "config": [ "", "113667d59b84133a99b4f1f1ec5784d7", ], "vocab_file": [ "", "1c1c1f4fd93c5bed3b4eebec4de976a8", ], "special_tokens_map": [ "", "8b3fb1023167bb4ab9d70708eb05f6ec", ], "tokenizer_config": [ "", "dcb0f3257830c0eb1f2de47f2d86f89a", ], }, "__internal_testing__/tiny-random-uie-m": { "model_state": [ "", "9fd51b19ba96ab634185744e0a214378", ], "config": [ "", "7fc6b1503db1e68bec4e6035cc7705c5", ], "vocab_file": [ "", "e6e1091c984592e72c4460e8eb25045e", ], "special_tokens_map": [ "", "8b3fb1023167bb4ab9d70708eb05f6ec", ], "tokenizer_config": [ "", "66651e1427b0936da3f964f640303d16", ], "sentencepiece_model_file": [ "", "bf25eb5120ad92ef5c7d8596b5dc4046", ], }, "__internal_testing__/tiny-random-uie-x": { "model_state": [ "", "d9b573b31a82b860b6e5a3005d7b879e", ], "config": [ "", "27d715e680596a69d882056a400d97db", ], "vocab_file": [ "", "e6e1091c984592e72c4460e8eb25045e", ], "special_tokens_map": [ "", "ba000b17745bb5b5b40236789318847f", ], "tokenizer_config": [ "", "c19bdbcec62476176d268e4dc7f1e506", ], "sentencepiece_model_file": [ "", "bf25eb5120ad92ef5c7d8596b5dc4046", ], }, } def __init__(self, task, model, schema=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(task=task, model=model, **kwargs) self._convert_from_torch = kwargs.get("convert_from_torch", None) self._max_seq_len = kwargs.get("max_seq_len", 512) self._dynamic_max_length = kwargs.get("dynamic_max_length", None) self._batch_size = kwargs.get("batch_size", 16) self._split_sentence = kwargs.get("split_sentence", False) self._position_prob = kwargs.get("position_prob", 0.5) self._lazy_load = kwargs.get("lazy_load", False) self._num_workers = kwargs.get("num_workers", 0) self._use_fast = kwargs.get("use_fast", False) self._layout_analysis = kwargs.get("layout_analysis", False) self._ocr_lang = kwargs.get("ocr_lang", "ch") self._schema_lang = kwargs.get("schema_lang", "ch") self._expand_to_a4_size = False if self._custom_model else True if self.model in [ "uie-m-base", "uie-m-large", "uie-x-base", "__internal_testing__/tiny-random-uie-m", "__internal_testing__/tiny-random-uie-x", ]: self.resource_files_names["sentencepiece_model_file"] = "sentencepiece.bpe.model" elif "sentencepiece_model_file" in self.resource_files_names.keys(): del self.resource_files_names["sentencepiece_model_file"] # TODO: temporary solution to support HF Hub due to lack of AutoModel # change this logic to use AutoConfig when available if self.from_hf_hub: config_file_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id=self._task_path, filename=CONFIG_NAME) with open(config_file_path) as f: self._init_class = json.load(f)["architectures"].pop() else: # Compatible with the model fine-tuned without PretrainedConfig if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._task_path, LEGACY_CONFIG_NAME)): if "config" in self.resource_files_names.keys(): del self.resource_files_names["config"] with open(os.path.join(self._task_path, LEGACY_CONFIG_NAME)) as f: self._init_class = json.load(f)["init_class"] self._check_task_files() else: self._check_task_files() with open(os.path.join(self._task_path, CONFIG_NAME)) as f: self._init_class = json.load(f)["architectures"].pop() self._is_en = True if model in ["uie-base-en"] or self._schema_lang == "en" else False if self._init_class in ["UIEX"]: self._summary_token_num = 4 # [CLS] prompt [SEP] [SEP] text [SEP] for UIE-X else: self._summary_token_num = 3 # [CLS] prompt [SEP] text [SEP] self._parser_map = { "ch": None, # OCR-CH "en": None, # OCR-EN "ch-layout": None, # Layout-CH "en-layout": None, # Layout-EN } if not schema: logger.warning( "The schema has not been set yet, please set a schema via set_schema(). " "More details about the setting of schema please refer to" ) self._schema_tree = None else: self.set_schema(schema) self._check_predictor_type() self._get_inference_model() self._usage = usage self._construct_tokenizer() def set_argument(self, argument: dict): for k, v in argument.items(): if k == "input": continue setattr(self, f"_{k}", v) def set_schema(self, schema): if isinstance(schema, dict) or isinstance(schema, str): schema = [schema] self._schema_tree = self._build_tree(schema) def _construct_input_spec(self): """ Construct the input spec for the convert dygraph model to static model. """ if paddle.get_device().split(":", 1)[0] == "npu": input_spec_dtype = "int32" else: input_spec_dtype = "int64" if self._init_class in ["UIEX"]: self._input_spec = [ paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype="int64", name="input_ids"), paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype="int64", name="token_type_ids"), paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype="int64", name="position_ids"), paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype="int64", name="attention_mask"), paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, None, 4], dtype="int64", name="bbox"), paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, 3, 224, 224], dtype="float32", name="image"), ] elif self._init_class in ["UIEM"]: self._input_spec = [ paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype="int64", name="input_ids"), paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype="int64", name="position_ids"), ] else: self._input_spec = [ paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype=input_spec_dtype, name="input_ids"), paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype=input_spec_dtype, name="token_type_ids"), paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype=input_spec_dtype, name="position_ids"), paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype=input_spec_dtype, name="attention_mask"), ] def _construct_model(self, model): """ Construct the inference model for the predictor. """ model_instance = MODEL_MAP[self._init_class].from_pretrained( self._task_path, from_hf_hub=self.from_hf_hub, convert_from_torch=self._convert_from_torch ) self._model = model_instance self._model.eval() def _construct_tokenizer(self): """ Construct the tokenizer for the predictor. """ self._tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( self._task_path, use_fast=self._use_fast, from_hf_hub=self.from_hf_hub ) def _preprocess(self, inputs): """ Transform the raw text to the model inputs, two steps involved: 1) Transform the raw text to token ids. 2) Generate the other model inputs from the raw text and token ids. """ inputs = self._check_input_text(inputs) outputs = {} outputs["text"] = inputs return outputs def _check_input_text(self, inputs): """ Check whether the input meet the requirement. """ self._ocr_lang_choice = (self._ocr_lang + "-layout") if self._layout_analysis else self._ocr_lang inputs = inputs[0] if isinstance(inputs, dict) or isinstance(inputs, str): inputs = [inputs] if isinstance(inputs, list): input_list = [] for example in inputs: data = {} if isinstance(example, dict): if "doc" in example.keys(): if not self._parser_map[self._ocr_lang_choice]: self._parser_map[self._ocr_lang_choice] = DocParser( ocr_lang=self._ocr_lang, layout_analysis=self._layout_analysis ) if "layout" in example.keys(): data = self._parser_map[self._ocr_lang_choice].parse( {"doc": example["doc"]}, do_ocr=False, expand_to_a4_size=self._expand_to_a4_size ) data["layout"] = example["layout"] else: data = self._parser_map[self._ocr_lang_choice].parse( {"doc": example["doc"]}, expand_to_a4_size=self._expand_to_a4_size ) elif "text" in example.keys(): if not isinstance(example["text"], str): raise TypeError( "Invalid inputs, the input text should be string. but type of {} found!".format( type(example["text"]) ) ) data["text"] = example["text"] else: raise ValueError("Invalid inputs, the input should contain a doc or a text.") input_list.append(data) elif isinstance(example, str): input_list.append(example) else: raise TypeError( "Invalid inputs, the input should be dict or list of dict, but type of {} found!".format( type(example) ) ) else: raise TypeError("Invalid input format!") return input_list def _single_stage_predict(self, inputs): input_texts = [d["text"] for d in inputs] prompts = [d["prompt"] for d in inputs] # max predict length should exclude the length of prompt and summary tokens max_predict_len = self._max_seq_len - len(max(prompts)) - self._summary_token_num if self._init_class in ["UIEX"]: bbox_list = [d["bbox"] for d in inputs] short_input_texts, short_bbox_list, input_mapping = self._auto_splitter( input_texts, max_predict_len, bbox_list=bbox_list, split_sentence=self._split_sentence ) else: short_input_texts, input_mapping = self._auto_splitter( input_texts, max_predict_len, split_sentence=self._split_sentence ) short_texts_prompts = [] for k, v in input_mapping.items(): short_texts_prompts.extend([prompts[k] for _ in range(len(v))]) if self._init_class in ["UIEX"]: image_list = [] for k, v in input_mapping.items(): image_list.extend([inputs[k]["image"] for _ in range(len(v))]) short_inputs = [ { "text": short_input_texts[i], "prompt": short_texts_prompts[i], "bbox": short_bbox_list[i], "image": image_list[i], } for i in range(len(short_input_texts)) ] else: short_inputs = [ {"text": short_input_texts[i], "prompt": short_texts_prompts[i]} for i in range(len(short_input_texts)) ] def text_reader(inputs): for example in inputs: if self._dynamic_max_length is not None: temp_encoded_inputs = self._tokenizer( text=[example["prompt"]], text_pair=[example["text"]], truncation=True, max_seq_len=self._max_seq_len, return_attention_mask=True, return_position_ids=True, return_dict=False, return_offsets_mapping=True, ) max_length = get_dynamic_max_length( examples=temp_encoded_inputs, default_max_length=self._max_seq_len, dynamic_max_length=self._dynamic_max_length, ) encoded_inputs = self._tokenizer( text=[example["prompt"]], text_pair=[example["text"]], truncation=True, max_seq_len=max_length, pad_to_max_seq_len=True, return_attention_mask=True, return_position_ids=True, return_offsets_mapping=True, )"Inference with dynamic max length in {}".format(max_length)) else: encoded_inputs = self._tokenizer( text=[example["prompt"]], text_pair=[example["text"]], truncation=True, max_seq_len=self._max_seq_len, pad_to_max_seq_len=True, return_attention_mask=True, return_position_ids=True, return_offsets_mapping=True, ) if self._init_class in ["UIEM"]: tokenized_output = [ encoded_inputs["input_ids"][0], encoded_inputs["position_ids"][0], encoded_inputs["offset_mapping"][0], ] else: tokenized_output = [ encoded_inputs["input_ids"][0], encoded_inputs["token_type_ids"][0], encoded_inputs["position_ids"][0], encoded_inputs["attention_mask"][0], encoded_inputs["offset_mapping"][0], ] tokenized_output = [np.array(x, dtype="int64") for x in tokenized_output] yield tuple(tokenized_output) def doc_reader(inputs, pad_id=1, c_sep_id=2): def _process_bbox(tokens, bbox_lines, offset_mapping, offset_bias): bbox_list = [[0, 0, 0, 0] for x in range(len(tokens))] for index, bbox in enumerate(bbox_lines): index_token = map_offset(index + offset_bias, offset_mapping) if 0 <= index_token < len(bbox_list): bbox_list[index_token] = bbox return bbox_list def _encode_doc( tokenizer, offset_mapping, last_offset, prompt, this_text_line, inputs_ids, q_sep_index, max_seq_len ): if len(offset_mapping) == 0: content_encoded_inputs = tokenizer( text=[prompt], text_pair=[this_text_line], max_seq_len=max_seq_len, return_dict=False, return_offsets_mapping=True, ) content_encoded_inputs = content_encoded_inputs[0] inputs_ids = content_encoded_inputs["input_ids"][:-1] sub_offset_mapping = [list(x) for x in content_encoded_inputs["offset_mapping"]] q_sep_index = content_encoded_inputs["input_ids"].index(2, 1) bias = 0 for i in range(len(sub_offset_mapping)): if i == 0: continue mapping = sub_offset_mapping[i] if mapping[0] == 0 and mapping[1] == 0 and bias == 0: bias = sub_offset_mapping[i - 1][-1] + 1 if mapping[0] == 0 and mapping[1] == 0: continue if mapping == sub_offset_mapping[i - 1]: continue sub_offset_mapping[i][0] += bias sub_offset_mapping[i][1] += bias offset_mapping = sub_offset_mapping[:-1] last_offset = offset_mapping[-1][-1] else: content_encoded_inputs = tokenizer( text=this_text_line, max_seq_len=max_seq_len, return_dict=False, return_offsets_mapping=True ) inputs_ids += content_encoded_inputs["input_ids"][1:-1] sub_offset_mapping = [list(x) for x in content_encoded_inputs["offset_mapping"]] for i, sub_list in enumerate(sub_offset_mapping[1:-1]): if i == 0: org_offset = sub_list[1] else: if sub_list[0] != org_offset and sub_offset_mapping[1:-1][i - 1] != sub_list: last_offset += 1 org_offset = sub_list[1] offset_mapping += [[last_offset, sub_list[1] - sub_list[0] + last_offset]] last_offset = offset_mapping[-1][-1] return offset_mapping, last_offset, q_sep_index, inputs_ids for example in inputs: content = example["text"] prompt = example["prompt"] bbox_lines = example.get("bbox", None) image_buff_string = example.get("image", None) # Text if bbox_lines is None: encoded_inputs = self._tokenizer( text=[example["prompt"]], text_pair=[example["text"]], truncation=True, max_seq_len=self._max_seq_len, pad_to_max_seq_len=True, return_attention_mask=True, return_position_ids=True, return_offsets_mapping=True, return_dict=False, ) encoded_inputs = encoded_inputs[0] inputs_ids = encoded_inputs["input_ids"] position_ids = encoded_inputs["position_ids"] attention_mask = encoded_inputs["attention_mask"] q_sep_index = inputs_ids.index(2, 1) c_sep_index = attention_mask.index(0) offset_mapping = [list(x) for x in encoded_inputs["offset_mapping"]] bbox_list = [[0, 0, 0, 0] for x in range(len(inputs_ids))] token_type_ids = [ 1 if token_index <= q_sep_index or token_index > c_sep_index else 0 for token_index in range(self._max_seq_len) ] padded_image = np.zeros([3, 224, 224]) # Doc else: inputs_ids = [] prev_bbox = [-1, -1, -1, -1] this_text_line = "" q_sep_index = -1 offset_mapping = [] last_offset = 0 for char_index, (char, bbox) in enumerate(zip(content, bbox_lines)): if char_index == 0: prev_bbox = bbox this_text_line = char continue if all([bbox[x] == prev_bbox[x] for x in range(4)]): this_text_line += char else: offset_mapping, last_offset, q_sep_index, inputs_ids = _encode_doc( self._tokenizer, offset_mapping, last_offset, prompt, this_text_line, inputs_ids, q_sep_index, self._max_seq_len, ) this_text_line = char prev_bbox = bbox if len(this_text_line) > 0: offset_mapping, last_offset, q_sep_index, inputs_ids = _encode_doc( self._tokenizer, offset_mapping, last_offset, prompt, this_text_line, inputs_ids, q_sep_index, self._max_seq_len, ) if len(inputs_ids) > self._max_seq_len: inputs_ids = inputs_ids[: (self._max_seq_len - 1)] + [c_sep_id] offset_mapping = offset_mapping[: (self._max_seq_len - 1)] + [[0, 0]] else: inputs_ids += [c_sep_id] offset_mapping += [[0, 0]] if len(offset_mapping) > 1: offset_bias = offset_mapping[q_sep_index - 1][-1] + 1 else: offset_bias = 0 seq_len = len(inputs_ids) inputs_ids += [pad_id] * (self._max_seq_len - seq_len) token_type_ids = [1] * (q_sep_index + 1) + [0] * (seq_len - q_sep_index - 1) token_type_ids += [pad_id] * (self._max_seq_len - seq_len) bbox_list = _process_bbox(inputs_ids, bbox_lines, offset_mapping, offset_bias) offset_mapping += [[0, 0]] * (self._max_seq_len - seq_len) # Reindex the text text_start_idx = offset_mapping[1:].index([0, 0]) + self._summary_token_num - 1 for idx in range(text_start_idx, self._max_seq_len): offset_mapping[idx][0] -= offset_bias offset_mapping[idx][1] -= offset_bias position_ids = list(range(seq_len)) position_ids = position_ids + [0] * (self._max_seq_len - seq_len) attention_mask = [1] * seq_len + [0] * (self._max_seq_len - seq_len) image_data = base64.b64decode(image_buff_string.encode("utf8")) padded_image = pad_image_data(image_data) input_list = [ inputs_ids, token_type_ids, position_ids, attention_mask, bbox_list, padded_image, offset_mapping, ] input_list = [inputs_ids, token_type_ids, position_ids, attention_mask, bbox_list] return_list = [np.array(x, dtype="int64") for x in input_list] return_list.append(np.array(padded_image, dtype="float32")) return_list.append(np.array(offset_mapping, dtype="int64")) assert len(inputs_ids) == self._max_seq_len assert len(token_type_ids) == self._max_seq_len assert len(position_ids) == self._max_seq_len assert len(attention_mask) == self._max_seq_len assert len(bbox_list) == self._max_seq_len yield tuple(return_list) reader = doc_reader if self._init_class in ["UIEX"] else text_reader infer_ds = load_dataset(reader, inputs=short_inputs, lazy=self._lazy_load) batch_sampler =, batch_size=self._batch_size, shuffle=False) infer_data_loader = dataset=infer_ds, batch_sampler=batch_sampler, num_workers=self._num_workers, return_list=True ) sentence_ids = [] probs = [] for batch in infer_data_loader: if self._init_class in ["UIEX"]: input_ids, token_type_ids, pos_ids, att_mask, bbox, image, offset_maps = batch elif self._init_class in ["UIEM"]: input_ids, pos_ids, offset_maps = batch else: input_ids, token_type_ids, pos_ids, att_mask, offset_maps = batch if self._predictor_type == "paddle-inference": if self._init_class in ["UIEX"]: self.input_handles[0].copy_from_cpu(input_ids.numpy()) self.input_handles[1].copy_from_cpu(token_type_ids.numpy()) self.input_handles[2].copy_from_cpu(pos_ids.numpy()) self.input_handles[3].copy_from_cpu(att_mask.numpy()) self.input_handles[4].copy_from_cpu(bbox.numpy()) self.input_handles[5].copy_from_cpu(image.numpy()) elif self._init_class in ["UIEM"]: self.input_handles[0].copy_from_cpu(input_ids.numpy()) self.input_handles[1].copy_from_cpu(pos_ids.numpy()) else: self.input_handles[0].copy_from_cpu(input_ids.numpy()) self.input_handles[1].copy_from_cpu(token_type_ids.numpy()) self.input_handles[2].copy_from_cpu(pos_ids.numpy()) self.input_handles[3].copy_from_cpu(att_mask.numpy()) start_prob = self.output_handle[0].copy_to_cpu().tolist() end_prob = self.output_handle[1].copy_to_cpu().tolist() else: if self._init_class in ["UIEX"]: input_dict = { "input_ids": input_ids.numpy(), "token_type_ids": token_type_ids.numpy(), "position_ids": pos_ids.numpy(), "attention_mask": att_mask.numpy(), "bbox": bbox.numpy(), "image": image.numpy(), } elif self._init_class in ["UIEM"]: input_dict = { "input_ids": input_ids.numpy(), "position_ids": pos_ids.numpy(), } else: input_dict = { "input_ids": input_ids.numpy(), "token_type_ids": token_type_ids.numpy(), "position_ids": pos_ids.numpy(), "attention_mask": att_mask.numpy(), } start_prob, end_prob =, input_dict) start_prob = start_prob.tolist() end_prob = end_prob.tolist() start_ids_list = get_bool_ids_greater_than(start_prob, limit=self._position_prob, return_prob=True) end_ids_list = get_bool_ids_greater_than(end_prob, limit=self._position_prob, return_prob=True) for start_ids, end_ids, offset_map in zip(start_ids_list, end_ids_list, offset_maps.tolist()): span_set = get_span(start_ids, end_ids, with_prob=True) sentence_id, prob = get_id_and_prob(span_set, offset_map) sentence_ids.append(sentence_id) probs.append(prob) results = self._convert_ids_to_results(short_inputs, sentence_ids, probs) results = self._auto_joiner(results, short_input_texts, input_mapping) return results def _auto_joiner(self, short_results, short_inputs, input_mapping): concat_results = [] is_cls_task = False for short_result in short_results: if short_result == []: continue elif "start" not in short_result[0].keys() and "end" not in short_result[0].keys(): is_cls_task = True break else: break for k, vs in input_mapping.items(): if is_cls_task: cls_options = {} single_results = [] for v in vs: if len(short_results[v]) == 0: continue if short_results[v][0]["text"] not in cls_options.keys(): cls_options[short_results[v][0]["text"]] = [1, short_results[v][0]["probability"]] else: cls_options[short_results[v][0]["text"]][0] += 1 cls_options[short_results[v][0]["text"]][1] += short_results[v][0]["probability"] if len(cls_options) != 0: cls_res, cls_info = max(cls_options.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) concat_results.append([{"text": cls_res, "probability": cls_info[1] / cls_info[0]}]) else: concat_results.append([]) else: offset = 0 single_results = [] for v in vs: if v == 0: single_results = short_results[v] offset += len(short_inputs[v]) else: for i in range(len(short_results[v])): if "start" not in short_results[v][i] or "end" not in short_results[v][i]: continue short_results[v][i]["start"] += offset short_results[v][i]["end"] += offset offset += len(short_inputs[v]) single_results.extend(short_results[v]) concat_results.append(single_results) return concat_results def _run_model(self, inputs): raw_inputs = inputs["text"] _inputs = self._parse_inputs(raw_inputs) results = self._multi_stage_predict(_inputs) inputs["result"] = results return inputs def _parse_inputs(self, inputs): _inputs = [] for d in inputs: if isinstance(d, dict): if "doc" in d.keys(): text = "" bbox = [] img_w, img_h = d["img_w"], d["img_h"] offset_x, offset_y = d["offset_x"], d["offset_x"] for segment in d["layout"]: org_box = segment[0] # bbox before expand to A4 size box = [ org_box[0] + offset_x, org_box[1] + offset_y, org_box[2] + offset_x, org_box[3] + offset_y, ] box = self._parser_map[self._ocr_lang_choice]._normalize_box(box, [img_w, img_h], [1000, 1000]) text += segment[1] bbox.extend([box] * len(segment[1])) _inputs.append({"text": text, "bbox": bbox, "image": d["image"], "layout": d["layout"]}) else: _inputs.append({"text": d["text"], "bbox": None, "image": None}) else: _inputs.append({"text": d, "bbox": None, "image": None}) return _inputs def _multi_stage_predict(self, data): """ Traversal the schema tree and do multi-stage prediction. Args: data (list): a list of strings Returns: list: a list of predictions, where the list's length equals to the length of `data` """ results = [{} for _ in range(len(data))] # Input check to early return if len(data) < 1 or self._schema_tree is None: return results # Copy to stay `self._schema_tree` unchanged schema_list = self._schema_tree.children[:] while len(schema_list) > 0: node = schema_list.pop(0) examples = [] input_map = {} cnt = 0 idx = 0 if not node.prefix: for one_data in data: examples.append( { "text": one_data["text"], "bbox": one_data["bbox"], "image": one_data["image"], "prompt": dbc2sbc(, } ) input_map[cnt] = [idx] idx += 1 cnt += 1 else: for pre, one_data in zip(node.prefix, data): if len(pre) == 0: input_map[cnt] = [] else: for p in pre: if self._is_en: if"\[.*?\]$", prompt_prefix =[:"[", 1)].strip() cls_options ="\[.*?\]$", # Sentiment classification of xxx [positive, negative] prompt = prompt_prefix + p + " " + cls_options else: prompt = + p else: prompt = p + examples.append( { "text": one_data["text"], "bbox": one_data["bbox"], "image": one_data["image"], "prompt": dbc2sbc(prompt), } ) input_map[cnt] = [i + idx for i in range(len(pre))] idx += len(pre) cnt += 1 if len(examples) == 0: result_list = [] else: result_list = self._single_stage_predict(examples) if not node.parent_relations: relations = [[] for i in range(len(data))] for k, v in input_map.items(): for idx in v: if len(result_list[idx]) == 0: continue if not in results[k].keys(): results[k][] = result_list[idx] else: results[k][].extend(result_list[idx]) if in results[k].keys(): relations[k].extend(results[k][]) else: relations = node.parent_relations for k, v in input_map.items(): for i in range(len(v)): if len(result_list[v[i]]) == 0: continue if "relations" not in relations[k][i].keys(): relations[k][i]["relations"] = { result_list[v[i]]} elif not in relations[k][i]["relations"].keys(): relations[k][i]["relations"][] = result_list[v[i]] else: relations[k][i]["relations"][].extend(result_list[v[i]]) new_relations = [[] for i in range(len(data))] for i in range(len(relations)): for j in range(len(relations[i])): if "relations" in relations[i][j].keys() and in relations[i][j]["relations"].keys(): for k in range(len(relations[i][j]["relations"][])): new_relations[i].append(relations[i][j]["relations"][][k]) relations = new_relations prefix = [[] for _ in range(len(data))] for k, v in input_map.items(): for idx in v: for i in range(len(result_list[idx])): if self._is_en: prefix[k].append(" of " + result_list[idx][i]["text"]) else: prefix[k].append(result_list[idx][i]["text"] + "的") for child in node.children: child.prefix = prefix child.parent_relations = relations schema_list.append(child) results = self._add_bbox_info(results, data) return results def _add_bbox_info(self, results, data): def _add_bbox(result, char_boxes): for vs in result.values(): for v in vs: if "start" in v.keys() and "end" in v.keys(): boxes = [] for i in range(v["start"], v["end"]): cur_box = char_boxes[i][1] if i == v["start"]: box = cur_box continue _, cur_y1, cur_x2, cur_y2 = cur_box if cur_y1 == box[1] and cur_y2 == box[3]: box[2] = cur_x2 else: boxes.append(box) box = cur_box if box: boxes.append(box) boxes = [[int(b) for b in box] for box in boxes] v["bbox"] = boxes if v.get("relations"): _add_bbox(v["relations"], char_boxes) return result new_results = [] for result, one_data in zip(results, data): if "layout" in one_data.keys(): layout = one_data["layout"] char_boxes = [] for segment in layout: sbox = segment[0] text_len = len(segment[1]) if text_len == 0: continue if len(segment) == 2 or (len(segment) == 3 and segment[2] != "table"): char_w = (sbox[2] - sbox[0]) * 1.0 / text_len for i in range(text_len): cbox = [sbox[0] + i * char_w, sbox[1], sbox[0] + (i + 1) * char_w, sbox[3]] char_boxes.append((segment[1][i], cbox)) else: cell_bbox = [(segment[1][i], sbox) for i in range(text_len)] char_boxes.extend(cell_bbox) result = _add_bbox(result, char_boxes) new_results.append(result) return new_results def _convert_ids_to_results(self, examples, sentence_ids, probs): """ Convert ids to raw text in a single stage. """ results = [] for example, sentence_id, prob in zip(examples, sentence_ids, probs): if len(sentence_id) == 0: results.append([]) continue result_list = [] text = example["text"] prompt = example["prompt"] for i in range(len(sentence_id)): start, end = sentence_id[i] if start < 0 and end >= 0: continue if end < 0: start += len(prompt) + 1 end += len(prompt) + 1 result = {"text": prompt[start:end], "probability": prob[i]} result_list.append(result) else: result = {"text": text[start:end], "start": start, "end": end, "probability": prob[i]} result_list.append(result) results.append(result_list) return results @classmethod def _build_tree(cls, schema, name="root"): """ Build the schema tree. """ schema_tree = SchemaTree(name) for s in schema: if isinstance(s, str): schema_tree.add_child(SchemaTree(s)) elif isinstance(s, dict): for k, v in s.items(): if isinstance(v, str): child = [v] elif isinstance(v, list): child = v else: raise TypeError( "Invalid schema, value for each key:value pairs should be list or string" "but {} received".format(type(v)) ) schema_tree.add_child(cls._build_tree(child, name=k)) else: raise TypeError("Invalid schema, element should be string or dict, " "but {} received".format(type(s))) return schema_tree def _postprocess(self, inputs): """ This function will convert the model output to raw text. """ return inputs["result"]
[文档]class GPTask(Task): """ Global Pointer for closed-domain information extraction Task. Args: task(string): The name of task. model(string): The model name in the task. kwargs (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments passed along to the specific task. """ resource_files_names = { "model_state": "model_state.pdparams", "model_config": "model_config.json", "vocab_file": "vocab.txt", "special_tokens_map": "special_tokens_map.json", "tokenizer_config": "tokenizer_config.json", } def __init__(self, task, model, **kwargs): super().__init__(task=task, model=model, **kwargs) self._schema_tree = None self._load_config() self._construct_tokenizer() self._get_inference_model() self._max_seq_len = kwargs.get("max_seq_len", 256) self._batch_size = kwargs.get("batch_size", 64) self._lazy_load = kwargs.get("lazy_load", False) self._num_workers = kwargs.get("num_workers", 0) def _load_config(self): model_config_file = os.path.join(self._task_path, self.resource_files_names["model_config"]) with open(model_config_file, encoding="utf-8") as f: model_config = json.load(f) self._label_maps = model_config["label_maps"] self._task_type = model_config["task_type"] self._encoder = model_config["encoder"] schema = model_config["label_maps"]["schema"] self._set_schema(schema) def _set_schema(self, schema): if isinstance(schema, dict) or isinstance(schema, str): schema = [schema] self._schema_tree = self._build_tree(schema) def _construct_input_spec(self): """ Construct the input spec for the convert dygraph model to static model. """ self._input_spec = [ paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype="int64", name="input_ids"), paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype="int64", name="att_mask"), ] def _construct_model(self, model): """ Construct the inference model for the predictor. """ encoder = AutoModel.from_pretrained(self._encoder) if self._task_type == "entity_extraction": model_instance = GlobalPointerForEntityExtraction(encoder, self._label_maps) else: model_instance = GPLinkerForRelationExtraction(encoder, self._label_maps) model_path = os.path.join(self._task_path, "model_state.pdparams") state_dict = paddle.load(model_path) model_instance.set_dict(state_dict) self._model = model_instance self._model.eval() def _construct_tokenizer(self): """ Construct the tokenizer for the predictor. """ # TODO(zhoushunjie): Will set use_fast=True in future. self._tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(self._task_path) def _preprocess(self, inputs): """ Transform the raw text to the model inputs, two steps involved: 1) Transform the raw text to token ids. 2) Generate the other model inputs from the raw text and token ids. """ inputs = self._check_input_text(inputs) def read(inputs): for x in inputs: tokenized_inputs = self._tokenizer( x, max_length=self._max_seq_len, padding=False, truncation=True, return_attention_mask=True, return_offsets_mapping=True, return_token_type_ids=False, ) tokenized_inputs["text"] = x yield tokenized_inputs infer_ds = load_dataset(read, inputs=inputs, lazy=self._lazy_load) data_collator = DataCollatorGP(self._tokenizer, label_maps=self._label_maps, task_type=self._task_type) batch_sampler =, batch_size=self._batch_size, shuffle=False) infer_data_loader = dataset=infer_ds, batch_sampler=batch_sampler, collate_fn=data_collator, num_workers=self._num_workers, return_list=True, ) outputs = {} outputs["data_loader"] = infer_data_loader outputs["input_texts"] = inputs return outputs def _run_model(self, inputs): all_preds = ([], []) if self._task_type in ["opinion_extraction", "relation_extraction"] else [] for batch in inputs["data_loader"]: input_ids, attention_masks, offset_mappings, texts = batch self.input_handles[0].copy_from_cpu(input_ids.numpy().astype("int64")) self.input_handles[1].copy_from_cpu(attention_masks.numpy().astype("int64")) logits = [paddle.to_tensor(self.output_handle[i].copy_to_cpu()) for i in range(len(self.output_handle))] batch_outputs = gp_decode(logits, offset_mappings, texts, self._label_maps, self._task_type) if isinstance(batch_outputs, tuple): all_preds[0].extend(batch_outputs[0]) # Entity output all_preds[1].extend(batch_outputs[1]) # Relation output else: all_preds.extend(batch_outputs) inputs["result"] = all_preds return inputs @classmethod def _build_tree(cls, schema, name="root"): """ Build the schema tree. """ schema_tree = SchemaTree(name) for s in schema: if isinstance(s, str): schema_tree.add_child(SchemaTree(s)) elif isinstance(s, dict): for k, v in s.items(): if isinstance(v, str): child = [v] elif isinstance(v, list): child = v else: raise TypeError( "Invalid schema, value for each key:value pairs should be list or string" "but {} received".format(type(v)) ) schema_tree.add_child(cls._build_tree(child, name=k)) else: raise TypeError("Invalid schema, element should be string or dict, " "but {} received".format(type(s))) return schema_tree def _postprocess(self, inputs): if self._task_type == "entity_extraction": results = self._postprocess_entity_extraction(inputs) elif self._task_type == "opinion_extraction": results = self._postprocess_opinion_extraction(inputs) else: results = self._postprocess_relation_extraction(inputs) return results def _postprocess_opinion_extraction(self, inputs): all_ent_preds, all_rel_preds = inputs["result"] results = [] for i in range(len(inputs["input_texts"])): result = {} aspect_maps = {} for ent in all_ent_preds[i]: ent_res = { "text": ent["text"], "start": ent["start_index"], "end": ent["start_index"] + len(ent["text"]), "probability": ent["probability"], } result.setdefault(ent["type"], []).append(ent_res) if ent["type"] == "评价维度": for r in result["评价维度"]: if ent["text"] == r["text"] and ent["start_index"] == r["start"]: aspect_maps[(ent["text"], ent["start_index"])] = r break for rel in all_rel_preds[i]: r = aspect_maps[(rel["aspect"], rel["aspect_start_index"])] r["relations"] = {} sentiment = {"probability": rel["probability"], "text": rel["sentiment"]} opinion = { "text": rel["opinion"], "start": rel["opinion_start_index"], "end": rel["opinion_start_index"] + len(rel["opinion"]), "probability": rel["probability"], } r["relations"].setdefault("情感倾向[正向,负向]", []).append(sentiment) r["relations"].setdefault("观点词", []).append(opinion) results.append(result) return results def _postprocess_relation_extraction(self, inputs): all_ent_preds, all_rel_preds = inputs["result"] results = [] for input_text_idx in range(len(inputs["input_texts"])): result = {} schema_list = self._schema_tree.children[:] while len(schema_list) > 0: node = schema_list.pop(0) if node.parent_relations is None: prefix = [] relations = [[]] cnt = -1 for ent in all_ent_preds[input_text_idx]: if == ent["type"]: ent_res = { "text": ent["text"], "start": ent["start_index"], "end": ent["start_index"] + len(ent["text"]), "probability": ent["probability"].astype("float"), } result.setdefault(, []).append(ent_res) cnt += 1 result[][cnt]["relations"] = {} relations[0].append(result[][cnt]) else: relations = [[] for _ in range(len(node.parent_relations))] for i, rs in enumerate(node.parent_relations): for r in rs: cnt = -1 for rel in all_rel_preds[input_text_idx]: if ( r["text"] == rel["subject"] and r["start"] == rel["subject_start_index"] and == rel["predicate"] ): rel_res = { "text": rel["object"], "start": rel["object_start_index"], "end": rel["object_start_index"] + len(rel["object"]), "probability": rel["probability"].astype("float"), } r["relations"].setdefault(, []).append(rel_res) cnt += 1 r["relations"][][cnt]["relations"] = {} relations[i].append(r["relations"][][cnt]) for child in node.children: child.prefix = prefix child.parent_relations = relations schema_list.append(child) results.append(result) return results def _postprocess_entity_extraction(self, inputs): all_preds = inputs["result"] results = [] for input_text_idx in range(len(inputs["input_texts"])): result = {} schema_list = self._schema_tree.children[:] while len(schema_list) > 0: node = schema_list.pop(0) for ent in all_preds[input_text_idx]: if == ent["type"]: ent_res = { "text": ent["text"], "start": ent["start_index"], "end": ent["start_index"] + len(ent["text"]), "probability": ent["probability"].astype("float"), } result.setdefault(, []).append(ent_res) results.append(result) return results