paddlenlp.transformers.transformer.modeling 源代码

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import numpy as np
import paddle
import paddle.nn as nn
import paddle.nn.functional as F
from paddle.nn import (
from paddle.utils import map_structure

__all__ = [

[文档] def position_encoding_init(n_position, d_pos_vec, dtype="float32"): """ Generates the initial values for the sinusoidal position encoding table. This method follows the implementation in tensor2tensor, but is slightly different from the description in "Attention Is All You Need". Args: n_position (int): The largest position for sequences, that is, the maximum length of source or target sequences. d_pos_vec (int): The size of positional embedding vector. dtype (str, optional): The output `numpy.array`'s data type. Defaults to "float32". Returns: numpy.array: The embedding table of sinusoidal position encoding with shape `[n_position, d_pos_vec]`. Example: .. code-block:: from paddlenlp.transformers import position_encoding_init max_length = 256 emb_dim = 512 pos_table = position_encoding_init(max_length, emb_dim) """ channels = d_pos_vec position = np.arange(n_position) num_timescales = channels // 2 log_timescale_increment = np.log(float(1e4) / float(1)) / (num_timescales - 1) inv_timescales = np.exp(np.arange(num_timescales) * -log_timescale_increment) scaled_time = np.expand_dims(position, 1) * np.expand_dims(inv_timescales, 0) signal = np.concatenate([np.sin(scaled_time), np.cos(scaled_time)], axis=1) signal = np.pad(signal, [[0, 0], [0, np.mod(channels, 2)]], "constant") position_enc = signal return position_enc.astype(dtype)
[文档] class WordEmbedding(nn.Layer): r""" Word Embedding Layer of Transformer. This layer automatically constructs a 2D embedding matrix based on the input the size of vocabulary (`vocab_size`) and the size of each embedding vector (`emb_dim`). This layer lookups embeddings vector of ids provided by input `word`. After the embedding, those weights are multiplied by `sqrt(d_model)` which is `sqrt(emb_dim)` in the interface. .. math:: Out = embedding(word) * sqrt(emb\_dim) Args: vocab_size (int): The size of vocabulary. emb_dim (int): Dimensionality of each embedding vector. bos_id (int, optional): The start token id and also is used as padding id. Defaults to 0. """ def __init__(self, vocab_size, emb_dim, bos_id=0): super(WordEmbedding, self).__init__() self.emb_dim = emb_dim self.word_embedding = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=vocab_size, embedding_dim=emb_dim, padding_idx=bos_id, weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=nn.initializer.Normal(0.0, emb_dim ** (-0.5))), )
[文档] def forward(self, word): r""" Computes word embedding. Args: word (Tensor): The input ids which indicates the sequences' words with shape `[batch_size, sequence_length]` whose data type can be int or int64. Returns: Tensor: The (scaled) embedding tensor of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, emb_dim)` whose data type can be float32 or float64. Example: .. code-block:: import paddle from paddlenlp.transformers import WordEmbedding word_embedding = WordEmbedding( vocab_size=30000, emb_dim=512, bos_id=0) batch_size = 5 sequence_length = 10 src_words = paddle.randint(low=3, high=30000, shape=[batch_size, sequence_length]) src_emb = word_embedding(src_words) """ word_emb = self.emb_dim**0.5 * self.word_embedding(word) return word_emb
[文档] class PositionalEmbedding(nn.Layer): """ This layer produces sinusoidal positional embeddings of any length. While in `forward()` method, this layer lookups embeddings vector of ids provided by input `pos`. Args: emb_dim (int): The size of each embedding vector. max_length (int): The maximum length of sequences. """ def __init__(self, emb_dim, max_length): super(PositionalEmbedding, self).__init__() self.emb_dim = emb_dim self.pos_encoder = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=max_length, embedding_dim=self.emb_dim, weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( initializer=paddle.nn.initializer.Assign(position_encoding_init(max_length, self.emb_dim)) ), )
[文档] def forward(self, pos): r""" Computes positional embedding. Args: pos (Tensor): The input position ids with shape `[batch_size, sequence_length]` whose data type can be int or int64. Returns: Tensor: The positional embedding tensor of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, emb_dim)` whose data type can be float32 or float64. Example: .. code-block:: import paddle from paddlenlp.transformers import PositionalEmbedding pos_embedding = PositionalEmbedding( emb_dim=512, max_length=256) batch_size = 5 pos = paddle.tile(paddle.arange(start=0, end=50), repeat_times=[batch_size, 1]) pos_emb = pos_embedding(pos) """ pos_emb = self.pos_encoder(pos) pos_emb.stop_gradient = True return pos_emb
[文档] class CrossEntropyCriterion(nn.Layer): """ Computes the cross entropy loss for given input with or without label smoothing. Args: label_smooth_eps (float, optional): The weight used to mix up the original ground-truth distribution and the fixed distribution. Defaults to None. If given, label smoothing will be applied on `label`. pad_idx (int, optional): The token id used to pad variant sequence. Defaults to 0. """ def __init__(self, label_smooth_eps=None, pad_idx=0): super(CrossEntropyCriterion, self).__init__() self.label_smooth_eps = label_smooth_eps self.pad_idx = pad_idx
[文档] def forward(self, predict, label): r""" Computes cross entropy loss with or without label smoothing. Args: predict (Tensor): The predict results of `TransformerModel` with shape `[batch_size, sequence_length, vocab_size]` whose data type can be float32 or float64. label (Tensor): The label for correspoding results with shape `[batch_size, sequence_length, 1]`. Returns: tuple: A tuple with items: (`sum_cost`, `avg_cost`, `token_num`). With the corresponding fields: - `sum_cost` (Tensor): The sum of loss of current batch whose data type can be float32, float64. - `avg_cost` (Tensor): The average loss of current batch whose data type can be float32, float64. The relation between `sum_cost` and `avg_cost` can be described as: .. math:: avg\_cost = sum\_cost / token\_num - `token_num` (Tensor): The number of tokens of current batch. Its data type can be float32, float64. Example: .. code-block:: import paddle from paddlenlp.transformers import CrossEntropyCriterion criterion = CrossEntropyCriterion(label_smooth_eps=0.1, pad_idx=0) batch_size = 1 seq_len = 2 vocab_size = 30000 predict = paddle.rand(shape=[batch_size, seq_len, vocab_size]) label = paddle.randint( low=3, high=vocab_size, shape=[batch_size, seq_len, 1]) criterion(predict, label) """ weights = paddle.cast(label != self.pad_idx, dtype=paddle.get_default_dtype()) if self.label_smooth_eps: label = paddle.squeeze(label, axis=[2]) label = F.label_smooth( label=F.one_hot(x=label, num_classes=predict.shape[-1]), epsilon=self.label_smooth_eps ) cost = F.cross_entropy( input=predict, label=label, reduction="none", soft_label=True if self.label_smooth_eps else False ) weighted_cost = cost * weights sum_cost = paddle.sum(weighted_cost) token_num = paddle.sum(weights) token_num.stop_gradient = True avg_cost = sum_cost / token_num return sum_cost, avg_cost, token_num
def label_smoothed_nll_loss(lprobs, target, epsilon, ignore_index=None, reduce=True): if target.dim() == lprobs.dim() - 1: target = target.unsqueeze(-1) num_tokens = paddle.shape(lprobs)[0] index = paddle.arange(0, num_tokens, dtype="int64").unsqueeze(-1) index = paddle.concat([index, target], axis=-1) index.stop_gradient = True log_probs = -lprobs nll_loss = paddle.gather_nd(log_probs, index=index).unsqueeze(-1) smooth_loss = log_probs.sum(axis=-1, keepdim=True) pad_mask = paddle.cast(target != ignore_index, dtype=paddle.get_default_dtype()) nll_loss = nll_loss * pad_mask smooth_loss = smooth_loss * pad_mask if reduce: nll_loss = nll_loss.sum() smooth_loss = smooth_loss.sum() eps_i = epsilon / (lprobs.shape[-1] - 1) loss = (1.0 - epsilon - eps_i) * nll_loss + eps_i * smooth_loss token_num = paddle.sum(pad_mask) return loss, loss / token_num, token_num
[文档] class LabelSmoothedCrossEntropyCriterion(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, label_smoothing, padding_idx=0): super().__init__() self.eps = label_smoothing self.padding_idx = padding_idx
[文档] def forward(self, predict, label, reduce=True): return self.compute_loss(predict, label, reduce=reduce)
def get_lprobs_and_target(self, predict, label): lprobs = paddle.nn.functional.log_softmax(predict, axis=-1) return lprobs.reshape([-1, lprobs.shape[-1]]), label.reshape([-1]) def compute_loss(self, predict, label, reduce=True): lprobs, label = self.get_lprobs_and_target(predict, label) return label_smoothed_nll_loss(lprobs, label, self.eps, ignore_index=self.padding_idx, reduce=reduce)
[文档] class TransformerDecodeCell(nn.Layer): """ This layer wraps a Transformer decoder combined with embedding layer and output layer to produce logits from ids and position. Args: decoder (callable): Can be a `paddle.nn.TransformerDecoder` instance. Or a wrapper that includes an embedding layer accepting ids and positions and includes an output layer transforming decoder output to logits. word_embedding (callable, optional): Can be a `WordEmbedding` instance or a callable that accepts ids as arguments and return embeddings. It can be None if `decoder` includes a embedding layer. Defaults to None. pos_embedding (callable, optional): Can be a `PositionalEmbedding` instance or a callable that accepts position as arguments and return embeddings. It can be None if `decoder` includes a positional embedding layer. Defaults to None. linear (callable, optional): Can be a `paddle.nn.Linear` instance or a callable to transform decoder output to logits. dropout (float, optional): The dropout rate for the results of `word_embedding` and `pos_embedding`. Defaults to 0.1. """ def __init__(self, decoder, word_embedding=None, pos_embedding=None, linear=None, dropout=0.1): super(TransformerDecodeCell, self).__init__() self.decoder = decoder self.word_embedding = word_embedding self.pos_embedding = pos_embedding self.linear = linear self.dropout = dropout
[文档] def forward(self, inputs, states, static_cache, trg_src_attn_bias, memory, **kwargs): r""" Produces logits. Args: inputs (Tensor|tuple|list): A tuple/list includes target ids and positions. If `word_embedding` is None, then it should be a Tensor which means the input for decoder. states (list): It is a list and each element of the list is an instance of `paddle.nn.MultiheadAttention.Cache` for corresponding decoder layer. It can be produced by `paddle.nn.TransformerDecoder.gen_cache`. static_cache (list): It is a list and each element of the list is an instance of `paddle.nn.MultiheadAttention.StaticCache` for corresponding decoder layer. It can be produced by `paddle.nn.TransformerDecoder.gen_cache`. trg_src_attn_bias (Tensor): A tensor used in self attention to prevents attention to some unwanted positions, usually the subsequent positions. It is a tensor with shape broadcasted to `[batch_size, n_head, target_length, target_length]`, where the unwanted positions have `-INF` values and the others have 0 values. The data type should be float32 or float64. It can be None when nothing wanted or needed to be prevented attention to. memory (Tensor): The output of Transformer encoder. It is a tensor with shape `[batch_size, source_length, d_model]` and its data type can be float32 or float64. Returns: tuple: A tuple with items: `(outputs, new_states)` With the corresponding fields: - `outputs` (Tensor): A float32 or float64 3D tensor representing logits shaped `[batch_size, sequence_length, vocab_size]`. - `new_states` (Tensor): This output has the same structure and data type with `states` while the length is one larger since concatanating the intermediate results of current step. Example: .. code-block:: import paddle from paddlenlp.transformers import TransformerDecodeCell from paddlenlp.transformers import TransformerBeamSearchDecoder def decoder(): # do decoder pass cell = TransformerDecodeCell(decoder()) self.decode = TransformerBeamSearchDecoder( cell, start_token=0, end_token=1, beam_size=4, var_dim_in_state=2) """ if states and static_cache: states = list(zip(states, static_cache)) if self.word_embedding: if not isinstance(inputs, (list, tuple)): inputs = inputs word_emb = self.word_embedding(inputs[0]) pos_emb = self.pos_embedding(inputs[1]) word_emb = word_emb + pos_emb inputs = F.dropout(word_emb, p=self.dropout, training=False) if self.dropout else word_emb cell_outputs, new_states = self.decoder(inputs, memory, None, trg_src_attn_bias, states) else: cell_outputs, new_states = self.decoder(inputs, memory, None, trg_src_attn_bias, states) if self.linear: cell_outputs = self.linear(cell_outputs) new_states = [cache[0] for cache in new_states] return cell_outputs, new_states
[文档] class TransformerBeamSearchDecoder(nn.decode.BeamSearchDecoder): """ This layer is a subclass of `BeamSearchDecoder` to make beam search adapt to Transformer decoder. Args: cell (`TransformerDecodeCell`): An instance of `TransformerDecoderCell`. start_token (int): The start token id. end_token (int): The end token id. beam_size (int): The beam width used in beam search. var_dim_in_state (int): Indicate which dimension of states is variant. """ def __init__(self, cell, start_token, end_token, beam_size, var_dim_in_state): super(TransformerBeamSearchDecoder, self).__init__(cell, start_token, end_token, beam_size) self.cell = cell self.var_dim_in_state = var_dim_in_state def _merge_batch_beams_with_var_dim(self, c): # Init length of cache is 0, and it increases with decoding carrying on, # thus need to reshape elaborately var_dim_in_state = self.var_dim_in_state + 1 # count in beam dim c = paddle.transpose(c, list(range(var_dim_in_state, len(c.shape))) + list(range(0, var_dim_in_state))) c = paddle.reshape( c, [0] * (len(c.shape) - var_dim_in_state) + [self.batch_size * self.beam_size] + [int(size) for size in c.shape[-var_dim_in_state + 2 :]], ) c = paddle.transpose( c, list(range((len(c.shape) + 1 - var_dim_in_state), len(c.shape))) + list(range(0, (len(c.shape) + 1 - var_dim_in_state))), ) return c def _split_batch_beams_with_var_dim(self, c): var_dim_size = paddle.shape(c)[self.var_dim_in_state] c = paddle.reshape( c, [-1, self.beam_size] + [int(size) for size in c.shape[1 : self.var_dim_in_state]] + [var_dim_size] + [int(size) for size in c.shape[self.var_dim_in_state + 1 :]], ) return c
[文档] @staticmethod def tile_beam_merge_with_batch(t, beam_size): r""" Tiles the batch dimension of a tensor. Specifically, this function takes a tensor t shaped `[batch_size, s0, s1, ...]` composed of minibatch entries `t[0], ..., t[batch_size - 1]` and tiles it to have a shape `[batch_size * beam_size, s0, s1, ...]` composed of minibatch entries `t[0], t[0], ..., t[1], t[1], ...` where each minibatch entry is repeated `beam_size` times. Args: t (list|tuple): A list of tensor with shape `[batch_size, ...]`. beam_size (int): The beam width used in beam search. Returns: Tensor: A tensor with shape `[batch_size * beam_size, ...]`, whose data type is same as `t`. Example: .. code-block:: import paddle from paddlenlp.transformers import TransformerBeamSearchDecoder t = paddle.rand(shape=[10, 10]) TransformerBeamSearchDecoder.tile_beam_merge_with_batch(t, beam_size=4) """ return map_structure(lambda x: nn.decode.BeamSearchDecoder.tile_beam_merge_with_batch(x, beam_size), t)
[文档] def step(self, time, inputs, states, **kwargs): """ Perform a beam search decoding step, which uses cell to get probabilities, and follows a beam search step to calculate scores and select candidate token ids. Args: time(Tensor): An `int64` tensor with shape `[1]` provided by the caller, representing the current time step number of decoding. inputs(Tensor): A tensor variable. It is same as `initial_inputs` returned by `initialize()` for the first decoding step and `next_inputs` returned by `step()` for the others. states(Tensor): A structure of tensor variables. It is same as the `initial_cell_states` returned by `initialize()` for the first decoding step and `next_states` returned by `step()` for the others. kwargs(dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments, provided by the caller `dynamic_decode`. Returns: tuple: Returns tuple (``beam_search_output, beam_search_state, next_inputs, finished``). `beam_search_state` and `next_inputs` have the same structure, shape and data type as the input arguments states and inputs separately. `beam_search_output` is a namedtuple(including scores, predicted_ids, parent_ids as fields) of tensor variables, where `scores, predicted_ids, parent_ids` all has a tensor value shaped [batch_size, beam_size] with data type float32, int64, int64. `finished` is a bool tensor with shape [batch_size, beam_size]. """ # Steps for decoding. # Compared to RNN, Transformer has 3D data at every decoding step inputs = paddle.reshape(inputs, [-1, 1]) # token pos = paddle.ones_like(inputs) * time # pos cell_states = map_structure(self._merge_batch_beams_with_var_dim, states.cell_states) cell_outputs, next_cell_states = self.cell((inputs, pos), cell_states, **kwargs) # Squeeze to adapt to BeamSearchDecoder which use 2D logits cell_outputs = map_structure(lambda x: paddle.squeeze(x, [1]) if len(x.shape) == 3 else x, cell_outputs) cell_outputs = map_structure(self._split_batch_beams, cell_outputs) next_cell_states = map_structure(self._split_batch_beams_with_var_dim, next_cell_states) beam_search_output, beam_search_state = self._beam_search_step( time=time, logits=cell_outputs, next_cell_states=next_cell_states, beam_state=states ) if kwargs.get("trg_word", None) is not None: if paddle.in_dynamic_mode(): if paddle.shape(kwargs.get("trg_word"))[1] > time: beam_search_output, beam_search_state = self.force_decoding( beam_search_output, beam_search_state, kwargs.get("trg_word"), kwargs.get("trg_length"), time ) else: def condition(trg_word, time): return paddle.shape(trg_word)[1] > time def default_fn(beam_search_output, beam_search_state): return beam_search_output, beam_search_state from functools import partial beam_search_output, beam_search_state = [ ( condition(kwargs.get("trg_word"), time), partial( self.force_decoding, beam_search_output=beam_search_output, beam_search_state=beam_search_state, trg_word=kwargs.get("trg_word"), trg_length=kwargs.get("trg_length"), time=time, ), ) ], default=partial( default_fn, beam_search_output=beam_search_output, beam_search_state=beam_search_state ), ) next_inputs, finished = (beam_search_output.predicted_ids, beam_search_state.finished) return (beam_search_output, beam_search_state, next_inputs, finished)
def force_decoding(self, beam_search_output, beam_search_state, trg_word, trg_length, time): batch_size = paddle.shape(beam_search_output.predicted_ids)[0] beam_size = paddle.shape(beam_search_output.predicted_ids)[1] ids_dtype = beam_search_output.predicted_ids.dtype scores_dtype = beam_search_output.scores.dtype parent_ids = paddle.zeros(shape=[batch_size, 1], dtype=ids_dtype) scores = paddle.ones(shape=[batch_size, beam_size], dtype=scores_dtype) * -1e4 scores = paddle.scatter( scores.flatten(), paddle.arange(0, batch_size * beam_size, step=beam_size, dtype="int64"), paddle.zeros([batch_size]), ).reshape([batch_size, beam_size]) force_position = paddle.unsqueeze(trg_length > time, [1]) # NOTE: When the date type of the input of paddle.tile is bool # and enable static mode, its stop_gradient must be True . force_position.stop_gradient = True force_position = paddle.tile(force_position, [1, beam_size]) crt_trg_word = paddle.slice(trg_word, axes=[1], starts=[time], ends=[time + 1]) crt_trg_word = paddle.tile(crt_trg_word, [1, beam_size]) predicted_ids = paddle.where(force_position, crt_trg_word, beam_search_output.predicted_ids) scores = paddle.where(force_position, scores, beam_search_output.scores) parent_ids = paddle.where(force_position, parent_ids, beam_search_output.parent_ids) cell_states = beam_search_state.cell_states log_probs = paddle.where(force_position, scores, beam_search_state.log_probs) finished = beam_search_state.finished lengths = beam_search_state.lengths return self.OutputWrapper(scores, predicted_ids, parent_ids), self.StateWrapper( cell_states, log_probs, finished, lengths )
[文档] class TransformerModel(nn.Layer): """ The Transformer model. This model is a Paddle `paddle.nn.Layer < /docs/zh/api/paddle/nn/Layer_cn.html>`__ subclass. Use it as a regular Paddle Layer and refer to the Paddle documentation for all matter related to general usage and behavior. Args: src_vocab_size (int): The size of source vocabulary. trg_vocab_size (int): The size of target vocabulary. max_length (int): The maximum length of input sequences. num_encoder_layers (int): The number of sub-layers to be stacked in the encoder. num_decoder_layers (int): The number of sub-layers to be stacked in the decoder. n_head (int): The number of head used in multi-head attention. d_model (int): The dimension for word embeddings, which is also the last dimension of the input and output of multi-head attention, position-wise feed-forward networks, encoder and decoder. d_inner_hid (int): Size of the hidden layer in position-wise feed-forward networks. dropout (float): Dropout rates. Used for pre-process, activation and inside attention. weight_sharing (bool): Whether to use weight sharing. attn_dropout (float): The dropout probability used in MHA to drop some attention target. If None, use the value of dropout. Defaults to None. act_dropout (float): The dropout probability used after FFN activation. If None, use the value of dropout. Defaults to None. bos_id (int, optional): The start token id and also be used as padding id. Defaults to 0. eos_id (int, optional): The end token id. Defaults to 1. pad_id (int, optional): The pad token id. Defaults to None. If it's None, the bos_id will be used as pad_id. activation (str, optional): The activation used in FFN. Defaults to "relu". normalize_before (bool, optional): Whether to apply pre-normalization. Defaults to True. """ def __init__( self, src_vocab_size, trg_vocab_size, max_length, num_encoder_layers, num_decoder_layers, n_head, d_model, d_inner_hid, dropout, weight_sharing, attn_dropout=None, act_dropout=None, bos_id=0, eos_id=1, pad_id=None, activation="relu", normalize_before=True, ): super(TransformerModel, self).__init__() self.trg_vocab_size = trg_vocab_size self.emb_dim = d_model self.bos_id = bos_id self.eos_id = eos_id self.pad_id = pad_id if pad_id is not None else self.bos_id self.dropout = dropout self.src_word_embedding = WordEmbedding(vocab_size=src_vocab_size, emb_dim=d_model, bos_id=self.pad_id) self.src_pos_embedding = PositionalEmbedding(emb_dim=d_model, max_length=max_length) if weight_sharing: assert ( src_vocab_size == trg_vocab_size ), "Vocabularies in source and target should be same for weight sharing." self.trg_word_embedding = self.src_word_embedding self.trg_pos_embedding = self.src_pos_embedding else: self.trg_word_embedding = WordEmbedding(vocab_size=trg_vocab_size, emb_dim=d_model, bos_id=self.pad_id) self.trg_pos_embedding = PositionalEmbedding(emb_dim=d_model, max_length=max_length) if not normalize_before: encoder_layer = TransformerEncoderLayer( d_model=d_model, nhead=n_head, dim_feedforward=d_inner_hid, dropout=dropout, activation=activation, attn_dropout=attn_dropout, act_dropout=act_dropout, normalize_before=normalize_before, ) encoder_with_post_norm = TransformerEncoder(encoder_layer, num_encoder_layers) decoder_layer = TransformerDecoderLayer( d_model=d_model, nhead=n_head, dim_feedforward=d_inner_hid, dropout=dropout, activation=activation, attn_dropout=attn_dropout, act_dropout=act_dropout, normalize_before=normalize_before, ) decoder_with_post_norm = TransformerDecoder(decoder_layer, num_decoder_layers) self.transformer = paddle.nn.Transformer( d_model=d_model, nhead=n_head, num_encoder_layers=num_encoder_layers, num_decoder_layers=num_decoder_layers, dim_feedforward=d_inner_hid, dropout=dropout, attn_dropout=attn_dropout, act_dropout=act_dropout, activation=activation, normalize_before=normalize_before, custom_encoder=None if normalize_before else encoder_with_post_norm, custom_decoder=None if normalize_before else decoder_with_post_norm, ) if weight_sharing: self.linear = lambda x: paddle.matmul( x=x, y=self.trg_word_embedding.word_embedding.weight, transpose_y=True ) else: self.linear = nn.Linear(in_features=d_model, out_features=trg_vocab_size, bias_attr=False)
[文档] def forward(self, src_word, trg_word): r""" The Transformer forward methods. The input are source/target sequences, and returns logits. Args: src_word (Tensor): The ids of source sequences words. It is a tensor with shape `[batch_size, source_sequence_length]` and its data type can be int or int64. trg_word (Tensor): The ids of target sequences words. It is a tensor with shape `[batch_size, target_sequence_length]` and its data type can be int or int64. Returns: Tensor: Output tensor of the final layer of the model whose data type can be float32 or float64 with shape `[batch_size, sequence_length, vocab_size]`. Example: .. code-block:: import paddle from paddlenlp.transformers import TransformerModel transformer = TransformerModel( src_vocab_size=30000, trg_vocab_size=30000, max_length=257, num_encoder_layers=6, num_decoder_layers=6, n_head=8, d_model=512, d_inner_hid=2048, dropout=0.1, weight_sharing=True, bos_id=0, eos_id=1) batch_size = 5 seq_len = 10 predict = transformer( src_word=paddle.randint(low=3, high=30000, shape=[batch_size, seq_len]), trg_word=paddle.randint(low=3, high=30000, shape=[batch_size, seq_len])) """ src_max_len = paddle.shape(src_word)[-1] trg_max_len = paddle.shape(trg_word)[-1] src_slf_attn_bias = ( paddle.cast(src_word == self.pad_id, dtype=paddle.get_default_dtype()).unsqueeze([1, 2]) * -1e4 ) src_slf_attn_bias.stop_gradient = True trg_slf_attn_bias = self.transformer.generate_square_subsequent_mask(trg_max_len) trg_slf_attn_bias.stop_gradient = True trg_src_attn_bias = src_slf_attn_bias src_pos = paddle.cast(src_word != self.pad_id, dtype=src_word.dtype) * paddle.arange( start=0, end=src_max_len, dtype=src_word.dtype ) trg_pos = paddle.cast(trg_word != self.pad_id, dtype=src_word.dtype) * paddle.arange( start=0, end=trg_max_len, dtype=trg_word.dtype ) with paddle.static.amp.fp16_guard(): src_emb = self.src_word_embedding(src_word) src_pos_emb = self.src_pos_embedding(src_pos) src_emb = src_emb + src_pos_emb enc_input = F.dropout(src_emb, p=self.dropout, if self.dropout else src_emb trg_emb = self.trg_word_embedding(trg_word) trg_pos_emb = self.trg_pos_embedding(trg_pos) trg_emb = trg_emb + trg_pos_emb dec_input = F.dropout(trg_emb, p=self.dropout, if self.dropout else trg_emb dec_output = self.transformer( enc_input, dec_input, src_mask=src_slf_attn_bias, tgt_mask=trg_slf_attn_bias, memory_mask=trg_src_attn_bias, ) predict = self.linear(dec_output) return predict
[文档] class InferTransformerModel(TransformerModel): """ The Transformer model for auto-regressive generation. Args: src_vocab_size (int): The size of source vocabulary. trg_vocab_size (int): The size of target vocabulary. max_length (int): The maximum length of input sequences. num_encoder_layers (int): The number of sub-layers to be stacked in the encoder. num_decoder_layers (int): The number of sub-layers to be stacked in the decoder. n_head (int): The number of head used in multi-head attention. d_model (int): The dimension for word embeddings, which is also the last dimension of the input and output of multi-head attention, position-wise feed-forward networks, encoder and decoder. d_inner_hid (int): Size of the hidden layer in position-wise feed-forward networks. dropout (float): Dropout rates. Used for pre-process, activation and inside attention. weight_sharing (bool): Whether to use weight sharing. attn_dropout (float): The dropout probability used in MHA to drop some attention target. If None, use the value of dropout. Defaults to None. act_dropout (float): The dropout probability used after FFN activition. If None, use the value of dropout. Defaults to None. bos_id (int, optional): The start token id and also is used as padding id. Defaults to 0. eos_id (int, optional): The end token id. Defaults to 1. pad_id (int, optional): The pad token id. Defaults to None. If it's None, the bos_id will be used as pad_id. beam_size (int, optional): The beam width for beam search. Defaults to 4. max_out_len (int, optional): The maximum output length. Defaults to 256. output_time_major(bool, optional): Indicate the data layout of predicted Tensor. If `False`, the data layout would be batch major with shape `[batch_size, seq_len, beam_size]`. If `True`, the data layout would be time major with shape `[seq_len, batch_size, beam_size]`. Default to `False`. beam_search_version (str): Specify beam search version. It should be in one of [`v1`, `v2`]. If `v2`, need to set `alpha`(default to 0.6) for length penalty. Default to `v1`. activation (str, optional): The activation used in FFN. Defaults to "relu". normalize_before (bool, optional): Whether to apply pre-normalization. Defaults to True. kwargs: The key word arguments can be `rel_len` and `alpha`: - `rel_len(bool, optional)`: Indicating whether `max_out_len` in is the length relative to that of source text. Only works in `v2` temporarily. It is suggest to set a small `max_out_len` and use `rel_len=True`. Default to False if not set. - `alpha(float, optional)`: The power number in length penalty calculation. Refer to `GNMT <>`_. Only works in `v2` temporarily. Default to 0.6 if not set. """ def __init__( self, src_vocab_size, trg_vocab_size, max_length, num_encoder_layers, num_decoder_layers, n_head, d_model, d_inner_hid, dropout, weight_sharing, attn_dropout=None, act_dropout=None, bos_id=0, eos_id=1, pad_id=None, beam_size=4, max_out_len=256, output_time_major=False, beam_search_version="v1", activation="relu", normalize_before=True, **kwargs ): args = dict(locals()) args.pop("self") args.pop("__class__", None) self.beam_size = args.pop("beam_size") self.max_out_len = args.pop("max_out_len") self.output_time_major = args.pop("output_time_major") self.dropout = dropout self.beam_search_version = args.pop("beam_search_version") kwargs = args.pop("kwargs") if self.beam_search_version == "v2": self.alpha = kwargs.get("alpha", 0.6) self.rel_len = kwargs.get("rel_len", False) super(InferTransformerModel, self).__init__(**args) cell = TransformerDecodeCell( self.transformer.decoder, self.trg_word_embedding, self.trg_pos_embedding, self.linear, self.dropout ) self.decode = TransformerBeamSearchDecoder(cell, bos_id, eos_id, beam_size, var_dim_in_state=2)
[文档] def forward(self, src_word, trg_word=None): r""" The Transformer forward method. Args: src_word (Tensor): The ids of source sequence words. It is a tensor with shape `[batch_size, source_sequence_length]` and its data type can be int or int64. trg_word (Tensor): The ids of target sequence words. Normally, it should NOT be given. If it's given, force decoding with previous output token will be trigger. Defaults to None. Returns: Tensor: An int64 tensor shaped indicating the predicted ids. Its shape is `[batch_size, seq_len, beam_size]` or `[seq_len, batch_size, beam_size]` according to `output_time_major`. Example: .. code-block:: import paddle from paddlenlp.transformers import InferTransformerModel transformer = InferTransformerModel( src_vocab_size=30000, trg_vocab_size=30000, max_length=256, num_encoder_layers=6, num_decoder_layers=6, n_head=8, d_model=512, d_inner_hid=2048, dropout=0.1, weight_sharing=True, bos_id=0, eos_id=1, beam_size=4, max_out_len=256) batch_size = 5 seq_len = 10 transformer( src_word=paddle.randint(low=3, high=30000, shape=[batch_size, seq_len])) """ if trg_word is not None: trg_length = paddle.sum(paddle.cast(trg_word != self.pad_id, dtype="int32"), axis=-1) else: trg_length = None if self.beam_search_version == "v1": src_max_len = paddle.shape(src_word)[-1] src_slf_attn_bias = ( paddle.cast(src_word == self.pad_id, dtype=paddle.get_default_dtype()).unsqueeze([1, 2]) * -1e4 ) trg_src_attn_bias = src_slf_attn_bias src_pos = paddle.cast(src_word != self.pad_id, dtype=src_word.dtype) * paddle.arange( start=0, end=src_max_len, dtype=src_word.dtype ) # Run encoder src_emb = self.src_word_embedding(src_word) src_pos_emb = self.src_pos_embedding(src_pos) src_emb = src_emb + src_pos_emb enc_input = F.dropout(src_emb, p=self.dropout, training=False) if self.dropout else src_emb enc_output = self.transformer.encoder(enc_input, src_slf_attn_bias) # Init states (caches) for transformer, need to be updated according to selected beam incremental_cache, static_cache = self.transformer.decoder.gen_cache(enc_output, do_zip=True) static_cache, enc_output, trg_src_attn_bias = TransformerBeamSearchDecoder.tile_beam_merge_with_batch( (static_cache, enc_output, trg_src_attn_bias), self.beam_size ) rs, _ = nn.decode.dynamic_decode( decoder=self.decode, inits=incremental_cache, max_step_num=self.max_out_len, memory=enc_output, trg_src_attn_bias=trg_src_attn_bias, static_cache=static_cache, is_test=True, output_time_major=self.output_time_major, trg_word=trg_word, trg_length=trg_length, ) return rs elif self.beam_search_version == "v2": finished_seq, finished_scores = self.beam_search_v2( src_word, self.beam_size, self.max_out_len, self.alpha, trg_word, trg_length ) if self.output_time_major: finished_seq = finished_seq.transpose([2, 0, 1]) else: finished_seq = finished_seq.transpose([0, 2, 1]) return finished_seq
[文档] def beam_search_v2(self, src_word, beam_size=4, max_len=None, alpha=0.6, trg_word=None, trg_length=None): """ Beam search with the alive and finished two queues, both have a beam size capicity separately. It includes `grow_topk` `grow_alive` `grow_finish` as steps. 1. `grow_topk` selects the top `2*beam_size` candidates to avoid all getting EOS. 2. `grow_alive` selects the top `beam_size` non-EOS candidates as the inputs of next decoding step. 3. `grow_finish` compares the already finished candidates in the finished queue and newly added finished candidates from `grow_topk`, and selects the top `beam_size` finished candidates. """ def expand_to_beam_size(tensor, beam_size): tensor = paddle.unsqueeze(tensor, axis=1) tile_dims = [1] * len(tensor.shape) tile_dims[1] = beam_size return paddle.tile(tensor, tile_dims) def merge_beam_dim(tensor): shape = tensor.shape return paddle.reshape(tensor, [shape[0] * shape[1]] + list(shape[2:])) # run encoder src_max_len = paddle.shape(src_word)[-1] src_slf_attn_bias = ( paddle.cast(src_word == self.pad_id, dtype=paddle.get_default_dtype()).unsqueeze([1, 2]) * -1e4 ) src_slf_attn_bias.stop_gradient = True src_pos = paddle.cast(src_word != self.pad_id, dtype=src_word.dtype) * paddle.arange( start=0, end=src_max_len, dtype=src_word.dtype ) src_emb = self.src_word_embedding(src_word) src_pos_emb = self.src_pos_embedding(src_pos) src_emb = src_emb + src_pos_emb enc_input = F.dropout(src_emb, p=self.dropout, if self.dropout else src_emb enc_output = self.transformer.encoder(enc_input, src_slf_attn_bias) # constant number inf = float(1.0 * 1e7) batch_size = enc_output.shape[0] max_len = ( (enc_output.shape[1] + 20) if max_len is None else (enc_output.shape[1] + max_len if self.rel_len else max_len) ) # initialize states of beam search # init for the alive initial_log_probs = paddle.assign(np.array([[0.0] + [-inf] * (beam_size - 1)], dtype="float32")) alive_log_probs = paddle.tile(initial_log_probs, [batch_size, 1]) alive_seq = paddle.tile( paddle.cast(paddle.assign(np.array([[[self.bos_id]]])), src_word.dtype), [batch_size, beam_size, 1] ) # init for the finished finished_scores = paddle.assign(np.array([[-inf] * beam_size], dtype="float32")) finished_scores = paddle.tile(finished_scores, [batch_size, 1]) finished_seq = paddle.tile( paddle.cast(paddle.assign(np.array([[[self.bos_id]]])), src_word.dtype), [batch_size, beam_size, 1] ) finished_flags = paddle.zeros_like(finished_scores) # initialize inputs and states of transformer decoder # init inputs for decoder, shaped `[batch_size*beam_size, ...]` pre_word = paddle.reshape(alive_seq[:, :, -1], [batch_size * beam_size, 1]) trg_src_attn_bias = src_slf_attn_bias trg_src_attn_bias = merge_beam_dim(expand_to_beam_size(trg_src_attn_bias, beam_size)) enc_output = merge_beam_dim(expand_to_beam_size(enc_output, beam_size)) # init states (caches) for transformer, need to be updated according to selected beam caches = self.transformer.decoder.gen_cache(enc_output, do_zip=False) if trg_word is not None: scores_dtype = finished_scores.dtype scores = paddle.ones(shape=[batch_size, beam_size * 2], dtype=scores_dtype) * -1e4 scores = paddle.scatter( scores.flatten(), paddle.arange(0, batch_size * beam_size * 2, step=beam_size * 2, dtype=finished_seq.dtype), paddle.zeros([batch_size]), ) scores = paddle.reshape(scores, [batch_size, beam_size * 2]) def update_states(caches, topk_coordinates, beam_size, batch_size): new_caches = [] for cache in caches: k = gather_2d(cache[0].k, topk_coordinates, beam_size, batch_size, need_unmerge=True) v = gather_2d(cache[0].v, topk_coordinates, beam_size, batch_size, need_unmerge=True) new_caches.append((nn.MultiHeadAttention.Cache(k, v), cache[1])) return new_caches def get_topk_coordinates(beam_idx, beam_size, batch_size, dtype="int64"): batch_pos = paddle.arange(batch_size * beam_size, dtype=dtype) // beam_size batch_pos = paddle.reshape(batch_pos, [batch_size, beam_size]) topk_coordinates = paddle.stack([batch_pos, beam_idx], axis=2) return topk_coordinates def gather_2d(tensor_nd, topk_coordinates, beam_size, batch_size, need_unmerge=False): new_tensor_nd = ( paddle.reshape(tensor_nd, shape=[batch_size, beam_size] + list(tensor_nd.shape[1:])) if need_unmerge else tensor_nd ) topk_seq = paddle.gather_nd(new_tensor_nd, topk_coordinates) return merge_beam_dim(topk_seq) if need_unmerge else topk_seq def early_finish(alive_log_probs, finished_scores, finished_in_finished): max_length_penalty = np.power(((5.0 + max_len) / 6.0), alpha) lower_bound_alive_scores = alive_log_probs[:, 0] / max_length_penalty lowest_score_of_fininshed_in_finished = paddle.min(finished_scores * finished_in_finished, 1) lowest_score_of_fininshed_in_finished += (1.0 - paddle.max(finished_in_finished, 1)) * -inf bound_is_met = paddle.all( paddle.greater_than(lowest_score_of_fininshed_in_finished, lower_bound_alive_scores) ) return bound_is_met def grow_topk(i, logits, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, states): """ This function takes the current alive sequences, and grows them to topk sequences where k = 2*beam. """ logits = paddle.reshape(logits, [batch_size, beam_size, -1]) candidate_log_probs = paddle.log(F.softmax(logits, axis=2)) log_probs = paddle.add(candidate_log_probs, alive_log_probs.unsqueeze(-1)) # Length penalty is given by = (5+len(decode)/6) ^ -\alpha. Pls refer to # length_penalty = paddle.pow((5.0 + i + 1.0) / 6.0, alpha) curr_scores = log_probs / length_penalty flat_curr_scores = paddle.reshape(curr_scores, [batch_size, -1]) topk_scores, topk_ids = paddle.topk(flat_curr_scores, k=beam_size * 2) if topk_ids.dtype != alive_seq.dtype: topk_ids = paddle.cast(topk_ids, dtype=alive_seq.dtype) if trg_word is not None: topk_ids, topk_scores = force_decoding_v2(topk_ids, topk_scores, i) topk_log_probs = topk_scores * length_penalty topk_beam_index = topk_ids // self.trg_vocab_size topk_ids = topk_ids % self.trg_vocab_size topk_coordinates = get_topk_coordinates(topk_beam_index, beam_size * 2, batch_size, dtype=alive_seq.dtype) topk_seq = gather_2d(alive_seq, topk_coordinates, beam_size, batch_size) topk_seq = paddle.concat([topk_seq, paddle.reshape(topk_ids, list(topk_ids.shape[:]) + [1])], axis=2) states = update_states(states, topk_coordinates, beam_size, batch_size) eos = paddle.full(shape=paddle.shape(topk_ids), dtype=alive_seq.dtype, fill_value=self.eos_id) topk_finished = paddle.cast(paddle.equal(topk_ids, eos), "float32") # topk_seq: [batch_size, 2*beam_size, i+1] # topk_log_probs, topk_scores, topk_finished: [batch_size, 2*beam_size] return topk_seq, topk_log_probs, topk_scores, topk_finished, states def grow_alive(curr_seq, curr_scores, curr_log_probs, curr_finished, states): """ Given sequences and scores, will gather the top k=beam size sequences """ curr_scores += curr_finished * -inf _, topk_indexes = paddle.topk(curr_scores, k=beam_size) if topk_indexes.dtype != curr_seq.dtype: topk_indexes = paddle.cast(topk_indexes, dtype=curr_seq.dtype) topk_coordinates = get_topk_coordinates(topk_indexes, beam_size, batch_size, dtype=curr_seq.dtype) alive_seq = gather_2d(curr_seq, topk_coordinates, beam_size, batch_size) alive_log_probs = gather_2d(curr_log_probs, topk_coordinates, beam_size, batch_size) states = update_states(states, topk_coordinates, beam_size * 2, batch_size) return alive_seq, alive_log_probs, states def grow_finished(finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, curr_seq, curr_scores, curr_finished): """ Given sequences and scores, will gather the top k=beam size sequences. """ # finished scores finished_seq = paddle.concat( [ finished_seq, paddle.full(shape=[batch_size, beam_size, 1], dtype=finished_seq.dtype, fill_value=self.eos_id), ], axis=2, ) curr_scores += (1.0 - curr_finished) * -inf curr_finished_seq = paddle.concat([finished_seq, curr_seq], axis=1) curr_finished_scores = paddle.concat([finished_scores, curr_scores], axis=1) curr_finished_flags = paddle.concat([finished_flags, curr_finished], axis=1) _, topk_indexes = paddle.topk(curr_finished_scores, k=beam_size) if topk_indexes.dtype != curr_seq.dtype: topk_indexes = paddle.cast(topk_indexes, dtype=curr_seq.dtype) topk_coordinates = get_topk_coordinates(topk_indexes, beam_size, batch_size, dtype=curr_seq.dtype) finished_seq = gather_2d(curr_finished_seq, topk_coordinates, beam_size, batch_size) finished_scores = gather_2d(curr_finished_scores, topk_coordinates, beam_size, batch_size) finished_flags = gather_2d(curr_finished_flags, topk_coordinates, beam_size, batch_size) return finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags def force_decoding_v2(topk_ids, topk_scores, time): beam_size = topk_ids.shape[1] if trg_word.shape[1] > time: force_position = paddle.unsqueeze(trg_length > time, [1]) force_position.stop_gradient = True force_position = paddle.tile(force_position, [1, beam_size]) crt_trg_word = paddle.slice(trg_word, axes=[1], starts=[time], ends=[time + 1]) crt_trg_word = paddle.tile(crt_trg_word, [1, beam_size]) topk_ids = paddle.where(force_position, crt_trg_word, topk_ids) topk_scores = paddle.where(force_position, scores, topk_scores) return topk_ids, topk_scores def inner_loop(i, pre_word, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, caches): trg_pos = paddle.full(shape=paddle.shape(pre_word), dtype=alive_seq.dtype, fill_value=i) trg_emb = self.trg_word_embedding(pre_word) trg_pos_emb = self.trg_pos_embedding(trg_pos) trg_emb = trg_emb + trg_pos_emb dec_input = F.dropout(trg_emb, p=self.dropout, if self.dropout else trg_emb logits, caches = self.transformer.decoder(dec_input, enc_output, None, trg_src_attn_bias, caches) logits = self.linear(logits) topk_seq, topk_log_probs, topk_scores, topk_finished, states = grow_topk( i, logits, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, caches ) alive_seq, alive_log_probs, states = grow_alive( topk_seq, topk_scores, topk_log_probs, topk_finished, states ) caches = states finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags = grow_finished( finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, topk_seq, topk_scores, topk_finished ) pre_word = paddle.reshape(alive_seq[:, :, -1], [batch_size * beam_size, 1]) return (i + 1, pre_word, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, caches) def is_not_finish( i, pre_word, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, caches ): return paddle.greater_than(i < max_len, early_finish(alive_log_probs, finished_scores, finished_flags)) ( _, pre_word, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, caches, ) = paddle.static.nn.while_loop( is_not_finish, inner_loop, [ paddle.zeros(shape=[1], dtype="int64"), pre_word, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, caches, ], ) # (gongenlei) `paddle.where` doesn't support broadcast, so we need to use `paddle.unsqueeze` # and `paddle.tile` to make condition.shape same as X.shape. But when converting dygraph # to static graph, `paddle.tile` will raise error. finished_flags = paddle.cast(finished_flags, dtype=finished_seq.dtype) neg_finished_flags = 1 - finished_flags finished_seq = paddle.multiply(finished_seq, finished_flags.unsqueeze(-1)) + paddle.multiply( alive_seq, neg_finished_flags.unsqueeze(-1) ) finished_scores = paddle.multiply( finished_scores, paddle.cast(finished_flags, dtype=finished_scores.dtype) ) + paddle.multiply(alive_log_probs, paddle.cast(neg_finished_flags, dtype=alive_log_probs.dtype)) return finished_seq, finished_scores