paddlenlp.metrics.squad 源代码

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# Copyright 2018 The Google AI Language Team Authors and The HuggingFace Inc. team.
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import collections
import re
import string
import json
import numpy as np

from ..utils.log import logger

[文档]def compute_prediction( examples, features, predictions, version_2_with_negative=False, n_best_size=20, max_answer_length=30, null_score_diff_threshold=0.0, ): """ Post-processes the predictions of a question-answering model to convert them to answers that are substrings of the original contexts. This is the base postprocessing functions for models that only return start and end logits. Args: examples (list): List of raw squad-style data (see ` < machine_reading_comprehension/SQuAD/>`__ for more information). features (list): List of processed squad-style features (see ` < develop/examples/machine_reading_comprehension/SQuAD/>`__ for more information). predictions (tuple): The predictions of the model. Should be a tuple of two list containing the start logits and the end logits. version_2_with_negative (bool, optional): Whether the dataset contains examples with no answers. Defaults to False. n_best_size (int, optional): The total number of candidate predictions to generate. Defaults to 20. max_answer_length (int, optional): The maximum length of predicted answer. Defaults to 20. null_score_diff_threshold (float, optional): The threshold used to select the null answer. Only useful when `version_2_with_negative` is True. Defaults to 0.0. Returns: A tuple of three dictionaries containing final selected answer, all n_best answers along with their probability and scores, and the score_diff of each example. """ assert len(predictions) == 2, "`predictions` should be a tuple with two elements (start_logits, end_logits)." all_start_logits, all_end_logits = predictions assert len(predictions[0]) == len(features), "Number of predictions should be equal to number of features." # Build a map example to its corresponding features. example_id_to_index = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(examples["id"])} features_per_example = collections.defaultdict(list) for i, feature in enumerate(features): features_per_example[example_id_to_index[feature["example_id"]]].append(i) # The dictionaries we have to fill. all_predictions = collections.OrderedDict() all_nbest_json = collections.OrderedDict() scores_diff_json = collections.OrderedDict() # Let's loop over all the examples! for example_index, example in enumerate(examples): # Those are the indices of the features associated to the current example. feature_indices = features_per_example[example_index] min_null_prediction = None prelim_predictions = [] # Looping through all the features associated to the current example. for feature_index in feature_indices: # We grab the predictions of the model for this feature. start_logits = all_start_logits[feature_index] end_logits = all_end_logits[feature_index] # This is what will allow us to map some the positions in our logits to span of texts in the original # context. offset_mapping = features[feature_index]["offset_mapping"] # Optional `token_is_max_context`, if provided we will remove answers that do not have the maximum context # available in the current feature. token_is_max_context = features[feature_index].get("token_is_max_context", None) # Update minimum null prediction. feature_null_score = start_logits[0] + end_logits[0] if min_null_prediction is None or min_null_prediction["score"] > feature_null_score: min_null_prediction = { "offsets": (0, 0), "score": feature_null_score, "start_logit": start_logits[0], "end_logit": end_logits[0], } # Go through all possibilities for the `n_best_size` greater start and end logits. start_indexes = np.argsort(start_logits)[-1 : -n_best_size - 1 : -1].tolist() end_indexes = np.argsort(end_logits)[-1 : -n_best_size - 1 : -1].tolist() for start_index in start_indexes: for end_index in end_indexes: # Don't consider out-of-scope answers, either because the indices are out of bounds or correspond # to part of the input_ids that are not in the context. if ( start_index >= len(offset_mapping) or end_index >= len(offset_mapping) or offset_mapping[start_index] is None or offset_mapping[end_index] is None or len(offset_mapping[start_index]) == 0 or len(offset_mapping[end_index]) == 0 ): continue # Don't consider answers with a length that is either < 0 or > max_answer_length. if end_index < start_index or end_index - start_index + 1 > max_answer_length: continue # Don't consider answer that don't have the maximum context available (if such information is # provided). if token_is_max_context is not None and not token_is_max_context.get(str(start_index), False): continue prelim_predictions.append( { "offsets": (offset_mapping[start_index][0], offset_mapping[end_index][1]), "score": start_logits[start_index] + end_logits[end_index], "start_logit": start_logits[start_index], "end_logit": end_logits[end_index], } ) if version_2_with_negative: # Add the minimum null prediction prelim_predictions.append(min_null_prediction) null_score = min_null_prediction["score"] # Only keep the best `n_best_size` predictions. predictions = sorted(prelim_predictions, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True)[:n_best_size] # Add back the minimum null prediction if it was removed because of its low score. if version_2_with_negative and not any(p["offsets"] == (0, 0) for p in predictions): predictions.append(min_null_prediction) # Use the offsets to gather the answer text in the original context. context = example["context"] for pred in predictions: offsets = pred.pop("offsets") pred["text"] = context[offsets[0] : offsets[1]] # In the very rare edge case we have not a single non-null prediction, we create a fake prediction to avoid # failure. if len(predictions) == 0 or (len(predictions) == 1 and predictions[0]["text"] == ""): predictions.insert(0, {"text": "empty", "start_logit": 0.0, "end_logit": 0.0, "score": 0.0}) # Compute the softmax of all scores (we do it with numpy to stay independent from torch/tf in this file, using # the LogSumExp trick). scores = np.array([pred.pop("score") for pred in predictions]) exp_scores = np.exp(scores - np.max(scores)) probs = exp_scores / exp_scores.sum() # Include the probabilities in our predictions. for prob, pred in zip(probs, predictions): pred["probability"] = prob # Pick the best prediction. If the null answer is not possible, this is easy. if not version_2_with_negative: all_predictions[example["id"]] = predictions[0]["text"] else: # Otherwise we first need to find the best non-empty prediction. i = 0 while predictions[i]["text"] == "": i += 1 best_non_null_pred = predictions[i] # Then we compare to the null prediction using the threshold. score_diff = null_score - best_non_null_pred["start_logit"] - best_non_null_pred["end_logit"] scores_diff_json[example["id"]] = float(score_diff) # To be JSON-serializable. if score_diff > null_score_diff_threshold: all_predictions[example["id"]] = "" else: all_predictions[example["id"]] = best_non_null_pred["text"] # Make `predictions` JSON-serializable by casting np.float back to float. all_nbest_json[example["id"]] = [ {k: (float(v) if isinstance(v, (np.float16, np.float32, np.float64)) else v) for k, v in pred.items()} for pred in predictions ] return all_predictions, all_nbest_json, scores_diff_json
def make_qid_to_has_ans(examples): qid_to_has_ans = {} for example in examples: if "is_impossible" in example: has_ans = example["is_impossible"] else: has_ans = not len(example["answers"]["answer_start"]) == 0 qid_to_has_ans[example["id"]] = has_ans return qid_to_has_ans def remove_punctuation(in_str): in_str = str(in_str).lower().strip() sp_char = [ "-", ":", "_", "*", "^", "/", "\\", "~", "`", "+", "=", ",", "。", ":", "?", "!", "“", "”", ";", "’", "《", "》", "……", "·", "、", "「", "」", "(", ")", "-", "~", "『", "』", ] out_segs = [] for char in in_str: if char in sp_char: continue else: out_segs.append(char) return "".join(out_segs) def normalize_answer(s): # Lower text and remove punctuation, articles and extra whitespace. def remove_articles(text): regex = re.compile(r"\b(a|an|the)\b", re.UNICODE) return re.sub(regex, " ", text) def white_space_fix(text): return " ".join(text.split()) def remove_punc(text): exclude = set(string.punctuation) return remove_punctuation("".join(ch for ch in text if ch not in exclude)) def lower(text): return text.lower() if not s: return "" else: return white_space_fix(remove_articles(remove_punc(lower(s)))) def compute_exact(a_gold, a_pred): return int(normalize_answer(a_gold) == normalize_answer(a_pred)) def compute_f1(a_gold, a_pred, is_whitespace_splited=True): gold_toks = normalize_answer(a_gold).split() pred_toks = normalize_answer(a_pred).split() if not is_whitespace_splited: gold_toks = gold_toks[0] if gold_toks else "" pred_toks = pred_toks[0] if pred_toks else "" common = collections.Counter(gold_toks) & collections.Counter(pred_toks) num_same = sum(common.values()) if len(gold_toks) == 0 or len(pred_toks) == 0: # If either is no-answer, then F1 is 1 if they agree, 0 otherwise return int(gold_toks == pred_toks) if num_same == 0: return 0 precision = 1.0 * num_same / len(pred_toks) recall = 1.0 * num_same / len(gold_toks) f1 = (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall) return f1 def get_raw_scores(examples, preds, is_whitespace_splited=True): exact_scores = {} f1_scores = {} for example in examples: qid = example["id"] gold_answers = [text for text in example["answers"]["text"] if normalize_answer(text)] if not gold_answers: # For unanswerable questions, only correct answer is empty string gold_answers = [""] if qid not in preds:"Missing prediction for %s" % qid) continue a_pred = preds[qid] # Take max over all gold answers exact_scores[qid] = max(compute_exact(a, a_pred) for a in gold_answers) f1_scores[qid] = max(compute_f1(a, a_pred, is_whitespace_splited) for a in gold_answers) return exact_scores, f1_scores def apply_no_ans_threshold(scores, na_probs, qid_to_has_ans, na_prob_thresh): new_scores = {} for qid, s in scores.items(): pred_na = na_probs[qid] > na_prob_thresh if pred_na: new_scores[qid] = float(not qid_to_has_ans[qid]) else: new_scores[qid] = s return new_scores def make_eval_dict(exact_scores, f1_scores, qid_list=None): if not qid_list: total = len(exact_scores) return collections.OrderedDict( [ ("exact", 100.0 * sum(exact_scores.values()) / total), ("f1", 100.0 * sum(f1_scores.values()) / total), ("total", total), ] ) else: total = len(qid_list) return collections.OrderedDict( [ ("exact", 100.0 * sum(exact_scores[k] for k in qid_list) / total), ("f1", 100.0 * sum(f1_scores[k] for k in qid_list) / total), ("total", total), ] ) def merge_eval(main_eval, new_eval, prefix): for k in new_eval: main_eval["%s_%s" % (prefix, k)] = new_eval[k] def find_best_thresh(preds, scores, na_probs, qid_to_has_ans): num_no_ans = sum(1 for k in qid_to_has_ans if not qid_to_has_ans[k]) cur_score = num_no_ans best_score = cur_score best_thresh = 0.0 qid_list = sorted(na_probs, key=lambda k: na_probs[k]) for i, qid in enumerate(qid_list): if qid not in scores: continue if qid_to_has_ans[qid]: diff = scores[qid] else: if preds[qid]: diff = -1 else: diff = 0 cur_score += diff if cur_score > best_score: best_score = cur_score best_thresh = na_probs[qid] return 100.0 * best_score / len(scores), best_thresh def find_all_best_thresh(main_eval, preds, exact_raw, f1_raw, na_probs, qid_to_has_ans): best_exact, exact_thresh = find_best_thresh(preds, exact_raw, na_probs, qid_to_has_ans) best_f1, f1_thresh = find_best_thresh(preds, f1_raw, na_probs, qid_to_has_ans) main_eval["best_exact"] = best_exact main_eval["best_exact_thresh"] = exact_thresh main_eval["best_f1"] = best_f1 main_eval["best_f1_thresh"] = f1_thresh
[文档]def squad_evaluate(examples, preds, na_probs=None, na_prob_thresh=1.0, is_whitespace_splited=True): """ Computes and prints the f1 score and em score of input prediction. Args: examples (list): List of raw squad-style data (see ` < machine_reading_comprehension/SQuAD/>`__ for more information). preds (dict): Dictionary of final predictions. Usually generated by `compute_prediction`. na_probs (dict, optional): Dictionary of score_diffs of each example. Used to decide if answer exits and compute best score_diff threshold of null. Defaults to None. na_prob_thresh (float, optional): The threshold used to select the null answer. Defaults to 1.0. is_whitespace_splited (bool, optional): Whether the predictions and references can be tokenized by whitespace. Usually set True for English and False for Chinese. Defaults to True. """ if not na_probs: na_probs = {k: 0.0 for k in preds} qid_to_has_ans = make_qid_to_has_ans(examples) # maps qid to True/False has_ans_qids = [k for k, v in qid_to_has_ans.items() if v] no_ans_qids = [k for k, v in qid_to_has_ans.items() if not v] exact_raw, f1_raw = get_raw_scores(examples, preds, is_whitespace_splited) exact_thresh = apply_no_ans_threshold(exact_raw, na_probs, qid_to_has_ans, na_prob_thresh) f1_thresh = apply_no_ans_threshold(f1_raw, na_probs, qid_to_has_ans, na_prob_thresh) out_eval = make_eval_dict(exact_thresh, f1_thresh) if has_ans_qids: has_ans_eval = make_eval_dict(exact_thresh, f1_thresh, qid_list=has_ans_qids) merge_eval(out_eval, has_ans_eval, "HasAns") if no_ans_qids: no_ans_eval = make_eval_dict(exact_thresh, f1_thresh, qid_list=no_ans_qids) merge_eval(out_eval, no_ans_eval, "NoAns") find_all_best_thresh(out_eval, preds, exact_raw, f1_raw, na_probs, qid_to_has_ans), indent=2)) return out_eval