Source code for paddlenlp.taskflow.dependency_parsing

# coding:utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2021  PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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import copy
import os

import numpy as np
import paddle

from import Pad, Vocab
from .models import BiAffineParser
from .task import Task
from .utils import download_file

usage = r"""
           from paddlenlp import Taskflow

           ddp = Taskflow("dependency_parsing")
           [{'word': ['三亚', '是', '一座', '美丽', '的', '城市'], 'head': [2, 0, 6, 6, 4, 2], 'deprel': ['SBV', 'HED', 'ATT', 'ATT', 'MT', 'VOB']}]
           ddp(["三亚是一座美丽的城市", "他送了一本书"])
           [{'word': ['三亚', '是', '一座', '美丽', '的', '城市'], 'head': [2, 0, 6, 6, 4, 2], 'deprel': ['SBV', 'HED', 'ATT', 'ATT', 'MT', 'VOB']}, {'word': ['他', '送', '了', '一本', '书'], 'head': [2, 0, 2, 5, 2], 'deprel': ['SBV', 'HED', 'MT', 'ATT', 'VOB']}]

           ddp = Taskflow("dependency_parsing", prob=True, use_pos=True)
           [{'word': ['三亚', '是', '一座', '美丽的城市'], 'head': [2, 0, 4, 2], 'deprel': ['SBV', 'HED', 'ATT', 'VOB'], 'postag': ['LOC', 'v', 'm', 'n'], 'prob': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]}]

           ddp = Taskflow("dependency_parsing", model="ddparser-ernie-1.0")
           [{'word': ['三亚', '是', '一座', '美丽', '的', '城市'], 'head': [2, 0, 6, 6, 4, 2], 'deprel': ['SBV', 'HED', 'ATT', 'ATT', 'MT', 'VOB']}]

           ddp = Taskflow("dependency_parsing", model="ddparser-ernie-gram-zh")
           [{'word': ['三亚', '是', '一座', '美丽', '的', '城市'], 'head': [2, 0, 6, 6, 4, 2], 'deprel': ['SBV', 'HED', 'ATT', 'ATT', 'MT', 'VOB']}]

           # 已分词输入
           ddp = Taskflow("dependency_parsing", segmented=True)
           ddp.from_segments([["三亚", "是", "一座", "美丽", "的", "城市"]])
           [{'word': ['三亚', '是', '一座', '美丽', '的', '城市'], 'head': [2, 0, 6, 6, 4, 2], 'deprel': ['SBV', 'HED', 'ATT', 'ATT', 'MT', 'VOB']}]
           ddp.from_segments([['三亚', '是', '一座', '美丽', '的', '城市'], ['他', '送', '了', '一本', '书']])
           [{'word': ['三亚', '是', '一座', '美丽', '的', '城市'], 'head': [2, 0, 6, 6, 4, 2], 'deprel': ['SBV', 'HED', 'ATT', 'ATT', 'MT', 'VOB']}, {'word': ['他', '送', '了', '一本', '书'], 'head': [2, 0, 2, 5, 2], 'deprel': ['SBV', 'HED', 'MT', 'ATT', 'VOB']}]

[docs] class DDParserTask(Task): """ DDParser task to analyze the dependency relationship between words in a sentence Args: task(string): The name of task. model(string): The model name in the task. tree(bool): Ensure the output conforms to the tree structure. prob(bool): Whether to return the probability of predicted heads. use_pos(bool): Whether to return the postag. batch_size(int): Numbers of examples a batch. return_visual(bool): If True, the result will contain the dependency visualization. kwargs (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments passed along to the specific task. """ resource_files_names = { "model_state": "model_state.pdparams", "word_vocab": "word_vocab.json", "rel_vocab": "rel_vocab.json", } resource_files_urls = { "ddparser": { "model_state": [ "", "f388c91e85b5b4d0db40157a4ee28c08", ], "word_vocab": [ "", "594694033b149cbb724cac0975df07e4", ], "rel_vocab": [ "", "0decf1363278705f885184ff8681f4cd", ], }, "ddparser-ernie-1.0": { "model_state": [ "", "78a4d5c2add642a88f6fdbee3574f617", ], "word_vocab": [ "", "17ed37b5b7ebb8475d4bff1ff8dac4b7", ], "rel_vocab": [ "", "0decf1363278705f885184ff8681f4cd", ], }, "ddparser-ernie-gram-zh": { "model_state": [ "", "9d0a49026feb97fac22c8eec3e88f5c3", ], "word_vocab": [ "", "38120123d39876337975cc616901c8b9", ], "rel_vocab": [ "", "0decf1363278705f885184ff8681f4cd", ], }, "font_file": { "font_file": [ "", "cecb7328bc0b9412b897fb3fc61edcdb", ] }, } def __init__( self, task, model, tree=True, prob=False, use_pos=False, use_cuda=False, batch_size=1, return_visual=False, **kwargs ): super().__init__(task=task, model=model, **kwargs) self._usage = usage self.model = model if self.model == "ddparser": self.encoding_model = "lstm-pe" elif self.model == "ddparser-ernie-1.0": self.encoding_model = "ernie-1.0" elif self.model == "ddparser-ernie-gram-zh": self.encoding_model = "ernie-gram-zh" else: raise ValueError( "The encoding model should be one of \ ddparser, ddparser-ernie-1.0 and ddparser-ernie-gram-zh" ) self._check_task_files() self._construct_vocabs() self.font_file_path = download_file( self._task_path, "SourceHanSansCN-Regular.ttf", self.resource_files_urls["font_file"]["font_file"][0], self.resource_files_urls["font_file"]["font_file"][1], ) self.tree = tree self.prob = prob self.use_pos = use_pos self.batch_size = batch_size self.return_visual = return_visual try: from LAC import LAC except Exception: raise ImportError("Please install the dependencies first, pip install LAC --upgrade") self.use_cuda = use_cuda self.lac = LAC(mode="lac" if self.use_pos else "seg", use_cuda=self.use_cuda) self._get_inference_model() def _check_segmented_words(self, inputs): inputs = inputs[0] if not all([isinstance(i, list) and i and all(i) for i in inputs]): raise TypeError("Invalid input format.") return inputs def from_segments(self, segmented_words): # pos tag is not available for segmented inputs self.use_pos = False segmented_words = self._check_segmented_words(segmented_words) inputs = {} inputs["words"] = segmented_words inputs = self._preprocess_words(inputs) outputs = self._run_model(inputs) results = self._postprocess(outputs) return results def _construct_input_spec(self): """ Construct the input spec for the convert dygraph model to static model. """ self._input_spec = [ paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype="int64"), paddle.static.InputSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype="int64"), ] def _construct_vocabs(self): word_vocab_path = os.path.join(self._task_path, "word_vocab.json") rel_vocab_path = os.path.join(self._task_path, "rel_vocab.json") self.word_vocab = Vocab.from_json(word_vocab_path) self.rel_vocab = Vocab.from_json(rel_vocab_path) self.word_pad_index = self.word_vocab.to_indices("[PAD]") self.word_bos_index = self.word_vocab.to_indices("[CLS]") self.word_eos_index = self.word_vocab.to_indices("[SEP]") def _construct_model(self, model): """ Construct the inference model for the predictor. """ model_instance = BiAffineParser( encoding_model=self.encoding_model, n_rels=len(self.rel_vocab), n_words=len(self.word_vocab), pad_index=self.word_pad_index, bos_index=self.word_bos_index, eos_index=self.word_eos_index, ) model_path = os.path.join(self._task_path, "model_state.pdparams") # Load the model parameter for the predict state_dict = paddle.load(model_path) model_instance.set_dict(state_dict) model_instance.eval() self._model = model_instance def _construct_tokenizer(self, model): """ Construct the tokenizer for the predictor. """ return None def _preprocess_words(self, inputs): examples = [] for text in inputs["words"]: example = {"FORM": text} example = convert_example(example, vocabs=[self.word_vocab, self.rel_vocab]) examples.append(example) batches = [examples[idx : idx + self.batch_size] for idx in range(0, len(examples), self.batch_size)] def batchify_fn(batch): raw_batch = [raw for raw in zip(*batch)] batch = [pad_sequence(data) for data in raw_batch] return batch batches = [flat_words(batchify_fn(batch)[0]) for batch in batches] inputs["data_loader"] = batches return inputs def _preprocess(self, inputs): """ Transform the raw text to the model inputs, two steps involved: 1) Transform the raw text to token ids. 2) Generate the other model inputs from the raw text and token ids. """ outputs = {} lac_results = [] position = 0 inputs = self._check_input_text(inputs) while position < len(inputs): lac_results +=[position : position + self.batch_size]) position += self.batch_size if not self.use_pos: outputs["words"] = lac_results else: outputs["words"], outputs["postags"] = [raw for raw in zip(*lac_results)] outputs = self._preprocess_words(outputs) return outputs def _run_model(self, inputs): """ Run the task model from the outputs of the `_tokenize` function. """ arcs, rels, probs = [], [], [] for batch in inputs["data_loader"]: words, wp = batch self.input_handles[0].copy_from_cpu(words) self.input_handles[1].copy_from_cpu(wp) arc_preds = self.output_handle[0].copy_to_cpu() rel_preds = self.output_handle[1].copy_to_cpu() s_arc = self.output_handle[2].copy_to_cpu() mask = self.output_handle[3].copy_to_cpu().astype("bool") arc_preds, rel_preds = decode(arc_preds, rel_preds, s_arc, mask, self.tree) arcs.extend([arc_pred[m] for arc_pred, m in zip(arc_preds, mask)]) rels.extend([rel_pred[m] for rel_pred, m in zip(rel_preds, mask)]) if self.prob: arc_probs = probability(s_arc, arc_preds) probs.extend([arc_prob[m] for arc_prob, m in zip(arc_probs, mask)]) inputs["arcs"] = arcs inputs["rels"] = rels inputs["probs"] = probs return inputs def _postprocess(self, inputs): arcs = inputs["arcs"] rels = inputs["rels"] words = inputs["words"] arcs = [[s.item() for s in seq] for seq in arcs] rels = [self.rel_vocab.to_tokens(seq) for seq in rels] results = [] for word, arc, rel in zip(words, arcs, rels): result = { "word": word, "head": arc, "deprel": rel, } results.append(result) if self.use_pos: postags = inputs["postags"] for result, postag in zip(results, postags): result["postag"] = postag if self.prob: probs = inputs["probs"] probs = [[round(p, 2) for p in seq.tolist()] for seq in probs] for result, prob in zip(results, probs): result["prob"] = prob if self.return_visual: for result in results: result["visual"] = self._visualize(result) return results def _visualize(self, data): """ Visualize the dependency. Args: data(dict): A dict contains the word, head and dep Returns: data: a numpy array, use cv2.imshow to show it or cv2.imwrite to save it. """ try: import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except Exception: raise ImportError("Please install the dependencies first, pip install matplotlib --upgrade") self.plt = plt self.font = font_manager.FontProperties(fname=self.font_file_path) word, head, deprel = data["word"], data["head"], data["deprel"] nodes = ["ROOT"] + word x = list(range(len(nodes))) y = [0] * (len(nodes)) fig, ax = self.plt.subplots() # Control the picture size max_span = max([abs(i + 1 - j) for i, j in enumerate(head)]) fig.set_size_inches((len(nodes), max_span / 2)) # Set the points self.plt.scatter(x, y, c="w") for i in range(len(nodes)): txt = nodes[i] xytext = (i, 0) if i == 0: # Set 'ROOT' ax.annotate( txt, xy=xytext, xycoords="data", xytext=xytext, textcoords="data", ) else: xy = (head[i - 1], 0) rad = 0.5 if head[i - 1] < i else -0.5 # Set the word ax.annotate( txt, xy=xy, xycoords="data", xytext=(xytext[0] - 0.1, xytext[1]), textcoords="data", fontproperties=self.font, ) # Draw the curve ax.annotate( "", xy=xy, xycoords="data", xytext=xytext, textcoords="data", arrowprops=dict( arrowstyle="<-", shrinkA=12, shrinkB=12, color="blue", connectionstyle="arc3,rad=%s" % rad, ), ) # Set the deprel label. Calculate its position by the radius text_x = min(i, head[i - 1]) + abs((i - head[i - 1])) / 2 - 0.2 text_y = abs((i - head[i - 1])) / 4 ax.annotate(deprel[i - 1], xy=xy, xycoords="data", xytext=[text_x, text_y], textcoords="data") # Control the axis self.plt.axis("equal") self.plt.axis("off") # Save to numpy array fig.canvas.draw() data = np.frombuffer(fig.canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype=np.uint8) data = data.reshape(fig.canvas.get_width_height()[::-1] + (3,))[:, :, ::-1] return data
[docs] def pad_sequence(sequences, padding_value=0, fix_len=None): """Fill sequences(np.ndarray) into a fixed-length matrix.""" max_size = sequences[0].shape trailing_dims = max_size[1:] max_len = max([s.shape[0] for s in sequences]) if fix_len is not None: assert fix_len >= max_len, "fix_len is too small." max_len = fix_len out_dims = (len(sequences), max_len) + trailing_dims out_tensor = np.full(out_dims, padding_value, dtype=sequences[0].dtype) for i, tensor in enumerate(sequences): length = tensor.shape[0] out_tensor[i, :length, ...] = tensor return out_tensor
def convert_example(example, vocabs, fix_len=20): word_vocab, rel_vocab = vocabs word_bos_index = word_vocab.to_indices("[CLS]") word_eos_index = word_vocab.to_indices("[SEP]") words = [[word_vocab.to_indices(char) for char in word] for word in example["FORM"]] words = [[word_bos_index]] + words + [[word_eos_index]] return [pad_sequence([np.array(ids[:fix_len], dtype=np.int64) for ids in words], fix_len=fix_len)] def flat_words(words, pad_index=0): mask = words != pad_index lens = np.sum(mask.astype(np.int64), axis=-1) position = np.cumsum(lens + (lens == 0).astype(np.int64), axis=1) - 1 lens = np.sum(lens, -1) words = words.ravel()[np.flatnonzero(words)] sequences = [] idx = 0 for l in lens: sequences.append(words[idx : idx + l]) idx += l words = Pad(pad_val=pad_index)(sequences) max_len = words.shape[1] mask = (position >= max_len).astype(np.int64) position = position * np.logical_not(mask) + mask * (max_len - 1) return words, position def probability(s_arc, arc_preds): s_arc = s_arc - s_arc.max(axis=-1).reshape(list(s_arc.shape)[:-1] + [1]) s_arc = np.exp(s_arc) / np.exp(s_arc).sum(axis=-1).reshape(list(s_arc.shape)[:-1] + [1]) arc_probs = [s[np.arange(len(arc_pred)), arc_pred] for s, arc_pred in zip(s_arc, arc_preds)] return arc_probs
[docs] def decode(arc_preds, rel_preds, s_arc, mask, tree): """decode""" lens = np.sum(mask, -1) bad = [not istree(seq[: i + 1]) for i, seq in zip(lens, arc_preds)] if tree and any(bad): arc_preds[bad] = eisner(s_arc[bad], mask[bad]) rel_preds = [rel_pred[np.arange(len(arc_pred)), arc_pred] for arc_pred, rel_pred in zip(arc_preds, rel_preds)] return arc_preds, rel_preds
[docs] def eisner(scores, mask): """ Eisner algorithm is a general dynamic programming decoding algorithm for bilexical grammar. Args: scores: Adjacency matrix,shape=(batch, seq_len, seq_len) mask: mask matrix,shape=(batch, sql_len) Returns: output,shape=(batch, seq_len),the index of the parent node corresponding to the token in the query """ lens = mask.sum(1) batch_size, seq_len, _ = scores.shape scores = scores.transpose(2, 1, 0) # Score for incomplete span s_i = np.full_like(scores, float("-inf")) # Score for complete span s_c = np.full_like(scores, float("-inf")) # Incomplete span position for backtrack p_i = np.zeros((seq_len, seq_len, batch_size), dtype=np.int64) # Complete span position for backtrack p_c = np.zeros((seq_len, seq_len, batch_size), dtype=np.int64) # Set 0 to s_c.diagonal s_c = fill_diagonal(s_c, 0) # Contiguous s_c = np.ascontiguousarray(s_c) s_i = np.ascontiguousarray(s_i) for w in range(1, seq_len): n = seq_len - w starts = np.arange(n, dtype=np.int64)[np.newaxis, :] # ilr = C(i->r) + C(j->r+1) ilr = stripe(s_c, n, w) + stripe(s_c, n, w, (w, 1)) # Shape: [batch_size, n, w] ilr = ilr.transpose(2, 0, 1) # scores.diagonal(-w).shape:[batch, n] il = ilr + scores.diagonal(-w)[..., np.newaxis] # I(j->i) = max(C(i->r) + C(j->r+1) + s(j->i)), i <= r < j il_span, il_path = il.max(-1), il.argmax(-1) s_i = fill_diagonal(s_i, il_span, offset=-w) p_i = fill_diagonal(p_i, il_path + starts, offset=-w) ir = ilr + scores.diagonal(w)[..., np.newaxis] # I(i->j) = max(C(i->r) + C(j->r+1) + s(i->j)), i <= r < j ir_span, ir_path = ir.max(-1), ir.argmax(-1) s_i = fill_diagonal(s_i, ir_span, offset=w) p_i = fill_diagonal(p_i, ir_path + starts, offset=w) # C(j->i) = max(C(r->i) + I(j->r)), i <= r < j cl = stripe(s_c, n, w, (0, 0), 0) + stripe(s_i, n, w, (w, 0)) cl = cl.transpose(2, 0, 1) cl_span, cl_path = cl.max(-1), cl.argmax(-1) s_c = fill_diagonal(s_c, cl_span, offset=-w) p_c = fill_diagonal(p_c, cl_path + starts, offset=-w) # C(i->j) = max(I(i->r) + C(r->j)), i < r <= j cr = stripe(s_i, n, w, (0, 1)) + stripe(s_c, n, w, (1, w), 0) cr = cr.transpose(2, 0, 1) cr_span, cr_path = cr.max(-1), cr.argmax(-1) s_c = fill_diagonal(s_c, cr_span, offset=w) s_c[0, w][np.not_equal(lens, w)] = float("-inf") p_c = fill_diagonal(p_c, cr_path + starts + 1, offset=w) predicts = [] p_c = p_c.transpose(2, 0, 1) p_i = p_i.transpose(2, 0, 1) for i, length in enumerate(lens.tolist()): heads = np.ones(length + 1, dtype=np.int64) backtrack(p_i[i], p_c[i], heads, 0, length, True) predicts.append(heads) return pad_sequence(predicts, fix_len=seq_len)
[docs] def fill_diagonal(x, value, offset=0, dim1=0, dim2=1): """ Fill value into the diagoanl of x that offset is ${offset} and the coordinate system is (dim1, dim2). """ strides = x.strides shape = x.shape if dim1 > dim2: dim1, dim2 = dim2, dim1 assert 0 <= dim1 < dim2 <= 2 assert len(x.shape) == 3 assert shape[dim1] == shape[dim2] dim_sum = dim1 + dim2 dim3 = 3 - dim_sum if offset >= 0: diagonal = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( x[:, offset:] if dim_sum == 1 else x[:, :, offset:], shape=(shape[dim3], shape[dim1] - offset), strides=(strides[dim3], strides[dim1] + strides[dim2]), ) else: diagonal = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( x[-offset:, :] if dim_sum in [1, 2] else x[:, -offset:], shape=(shape[dim3], shape[dim1] + offset), strides=(strides[dim3], strides[dim1] + strides[dim2]), ) diagonal[...] = value return x
[docs] def backtrack(p_i, p_c, heads, i, j, complete): """ Backtrack the position matrix of eisner to generate the tree """ if i == j: return if complete: r = p_c[i, j] backtrack(p_i, p_c, heads, i, r, False) backtrack(p_i, p_c, heads, r, j, True) else: r, heads[j] = p_i[i, j], i i, j = sorted((i, j)) backtrack(p_i, p_c, heads, i, r, True) backtrack(p_i, p_c, heads, j, r + 1, True)
[docs] def stripe(x, n, w, offset=(0, 0), dim=1): """ Returns a diagonal stripe of the tensor. Args: x (Tensor): the input tensor with 2 or more dims. n (int): the length of the stripe. w (int): the width of the stripe. offset (tuple): the offset of the first two dims. dim (int): 0 if returns a horizontal stripe; 1 else. Example: >>> x = np.arange(25).reshape(5, 5) >>> x tensor([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19], [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]]) >>> stripe(x, 2, 3, (1, 1)) tensor([[ 6, 7, 8], [12, 13, 14]]) >>> stripe(x, 2, 3, dim=0) tensor([[ 0, 5, 10], [ 6, 11, 16]]) """ if not x.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]: x = np.ascontiguousarray(x) strides = x.strides m = strides[0] + strides[1] k = strides[1] if dim == 1 else strides[0] return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( x[offset[0] :, offset[1] :], shape=[n, w] + list(x.shape[2:]), strides=[m, k] + list(strides[2:]) )
[docs] class Node: """Node class""" def __init__(self, id=None, parent=None): self.lefts = [] self.rights = [] = int(id) self.parent = parent if parent is None else int(parent)
[docs] class DepTree: """ DepTree class, used to check whether the prediction result is a project Tree. A projective tree means that you can project the tree without crossing arcs. """ def __init__(self, sentence): # set root head to -1 sentence = copy.deepcopy(sentence) sentence[0] = -1 self.sentence = sentence self.build_tree() self.visit = [False] * len(sentence)
[docs] def build_tree(self): """Build the tree""" self.nodes = [Node(index, p_index) for index, p_index in enumerate(self.sentence)] # set root self.root = self.nodes[0] for node in self.nodes[1:]: self.add(self.nodes[node.parent], node)
[docs] def add(self, parent, child): """Add a child node""" if is None or is None: raise Exception("id is None") if < parent.rights = sorted(parent.rights + []) else: parent.lefts = sorted(parent.lefts + [])
[docs] def inorder_traversal(self, node): """Inorder traversal""" if self.visit[]: return [] self.visit[] = True lf_list = [] rf_list = [] for ln in node.lefts: lf_list += self.inorder_traversal(self.nodes[ln]) for rn in node.rights: rf_list += self.inorder_traversal(self.nodes[rn]) return lf_list + [] + rf_list
[docs] def istree(sequence): """Is the sequence a project tree""" return DepTree(sequence).judge_legal()