Source code for paddlenlp.metrics.span

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from paddle.metric import Metric

from import get_bool_ids_greater_than, get_span

[docs] class SpanEvaluator(Metric): """ SpanEvaluator computes the precision, recall and F1-score for span detection. """ def __init__(self, limit=0.5): super(SpanEvaluator, self).__init__() self.num_infer_spans = 0 self.num_label_spans = 0 self.num_correct_spans = 0 self.limit = limit
[docs] def compute(self, start_probs, end_probs, gold_start_ids, gold_end_ids): """ Computes the precision, recall and F1-score for span detection. """ pred_start_ids = get_bool_ids_greater_than(start_probs, self.limit) pred_end_ids = get_bool_ids_greater_than(end_probs, self.limit) gold_start_ids = get_bool_ids_greater_than(gold_start_ids.tolist(), self.limit) gold_end_ids = get_bool_ids_greater_than(gold_end_ids.tolist(), self.limit) num_correct_spans = 0 num_infer_spans = 0 num_label_spans = 0 for predict_start_ids, predict_end_ids, label_start_ids, label_end_ids in zip( pred_start_ids, pred_end_ids, gold_start_ids, gold_end_ids ): [_correct, _infer, _label] = self.eval_span( predict_start_ids, predict_end_ids, label_start_ids, label_end_ids ) num_correct_spans += _correct num_infer_spans += _infer num_label_spans += _label return num_correct_spans, num_infer_spans, num_label_spans
[docs] def update(self, num_correct_spans, num_infer_spans, num_label_spans): """ This function takes (num_infer_spans, num_label_spans, num_correct_spans) as input, to accumulate and update the corresponding status of the SpanEvaluator object. """ self.num_infer_spans += num_infer_spans self.num_label_spans += num_label_spans self.num_correct_spans += num_correct_spans
[docs] def eval_span(self, predict_start_ids, predict_end_ids, label_start_ids, label_end_ids): """ evaluate position extraction (start, end) return num_correct, num_infer, num_label input: [1, 2, 10] [4, 12] [2, 10] [4, 11] output: (1, 2, 2) """ pred_set = get_span(predict_start_ids, predict_end_ids) label_set = get_span(label_start_ids, label_end_ids) num_correct = len(pred_set & label_set) num_infer = len(pred_set) # For the case of overlapping in the same category, # length of label_start_ids and label_end_ids is not equal num_label = max(len(label_start_ids), len(label_end_ids)) return (num_correct, num_infer, num_label)
[docs] def accumulate(self): """ This function returns the mean precision, recall and f1 score for all accumulated minibatches. Returns: tuple: Returns tuple (`precision, recall, f1 score`). """ precision = float(self.num_correct_spans / self.num_infer_spans) if self.num_infer_spans else 0.0 recall = float(self.num_correct_spans / self.num_label_spans) if self.num_label_spans else 0.0 f1_score = float(2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)) if self.num_correct_spans else 0.0 return precision, recall, f1_score
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset function empties the evaluation memory for previous mini-batches. """ self.num_infer_spans = 0 self.num_label_spans = 0 self.num_correct_spans = 0
[docs] def name(self): """ Return name of metric instance. """ return "precision", "recall", "f1"