Source code for paddlenlp.datasets.dataset

# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import atexit
import inspect
import os
import time
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import islice

import datasets
from multiprocess import Pool, RLock

import paddlenlp

    import paddle.distributed as dist
except Exception:
    warnings.warn("paddle.distributed is not contains in you paddle!")

import importlib
from functools import partial

from import Dataset, IterableDataset
from import _get_unique_endpoints

from paddlenlp.utils.env import DATA_HOME

__all__ = ["MapDataset", "DatasetBuilder", "IterDataset", "load_dataset"]

DATASETS_MODULE_PATH = "paddlenlp.datasets."

# Patch for intranet
from datasets import load_dataset as origin_load_dataset  # noqa: E402

def load_from_ppnlp(path, *args, **kwargs):
    ppnlp_path = paddlenlp.datasets.__path__[0]
    new_path = os.path.split(path)[-1]
    new_path = os.path.join(ppnlp_path, "hf_datasets", new_path + ".py")
    if os.path.exists(new_path):
        return origin_load_dataset(new_path, *args, **kwargs)
        return origin_load_dataset(path, *args, **kwargs)

datasets.load_dataset = load_from_ppnlp

class DatasetTuple:
    def __init__(self, splits):
        self.identifier_map, identifiers = self._gen_identifier_map(splits)
        self.tuple_cls = namedtuple("datasets", identifiers)
        self.tuple = self.tuple_cls(*[None for _ in splits])

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if isinstance(key, (int, slice)):
            return self.tuple[key]
        if isinstance(key, str):
            return getattr(self.tuple, self.identifier_map[key])

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.tuple = self.tuple._replace(**{self.identifier_map[key]: value})

    def _gen_identifier_map(self, splits):
        identifier_map = {}
        identifiers = []
        for i in range(len(splits)):
            identifiers.append("splits_" + str(i))
            identifier_map[splits[i]] = "splits_" + str(i)
        return identifier_map, identifiers

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.tuple)

def import_main_class(module_path):
    Import a module at module_path and return its DatasetBuilder class.

    module_path = DATASETS_MODULE_PATH + module_path
    module = importlib.import_module(module_path)
    main_cls_type = DatasetBuilder

    # Find the main class in our imported module
    module_main_cls = None
    for name, obj in module.__dict__.items():
        if isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, main_cls_type):
            if name == "DatasetBuilder":
            module_main_cls = obj

    return module_main_cls

def load_from_hf(path, name=None, splits=None, **kwargs):
    from datasets import DatasetDict, IterableDatasetDict
    from datasets import load_dataset as load_hf_dataset
    from datasets.features import ClassLabel

        hf_datasets = load_hf_dataset(path, name=name, split=splits, **kwargs)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        raise FileNotFoundError("Couldn't find the dataset script for '" + path + "' on PaddleNLP or HuggingFace")
        label_list = []
        if isinstance(hf_datasets, DatasetDict):
            datasets = DatasetTuple(list(hf_datasets.keys()))
            for split, ds in hf_datasets.items():
                for feature in ds.features.values():
                    if isinstance(feature, ClassLabel):
                        label_list = feature.names
                datasets[split] = MapDataset(ds, label_list=label_list)
        elif isinstance(hf_datasets, IterableDatasetDict):
            datasets = DatasetTuple(list(hf_datasets.keys()))
            for split, ds in hf_datasets.items():
                datasets[split] = IterDataset(ds)
        elif isinstance(hf_datasets, list):
            datasets = DatasetTuple(splits)
            for i, split in enumerate(splits):
                for feature in hf_datasets[i].features.values():
                    if isinstance(feature, ClassLabel):
                        label_list = feature.names
                datasets[split] = MapDataset(hf_datasets[i], label_list=label_list)
            for feature in hf_datasets.features.values():
                if isinstance(feature, ClassLabel):
                    label_list = feature.names
            datasets = MapDataset(hf_datasets, label_list=label_list)
    return datasets

[docs] def load_dataset(path_or_read_func, name=None, data_files=None, splits=None, lazy=None, **kwargs): """ This method will load a dataset, either form PaddleNLP library or from a self-defined data loading script, by calling functions in `DatasetBuilder`. For all the names of datasets in PaddleNLP library, see here: `dataset_list <>`__. Either `splits` or `data_files` must be specified. Args: path_or_read_func (str|callable): Name of the dataset processing script in PaddleNLP library or a custom data reading function. name (str, optional): Additional name to select a more specific dataset. Defaults to None. data_files (str|list|tuple|dict, optional): Defining the path of dataset files. If None. `splits` must be specified. Defaults to None. splits (str|list|tuple, optional): Which split of the data to load. If None. `data_files` must be specified. Defaults to None. lazy (bool, optional): Weather to return `MapDataset` or an `IterDataset`. True for `IterDataset`. False for `MapDataset`. If None, return the default type of this dataset. Defaults to None. kwargs (dict): Other keyword arguments to be passed to the `DatasetBuilder`. Returns: A `MapDataset` or `IterDataset` or a tuple of those. For how to use this function, please see `dataset_load <>`__ and `dataset_self_defined <>`__ """ if inspect.isfunction(path_or_read_func): assert lazy is not None, "lazy can not be None in custom mode." kwargs["name"] = name kwargs["data_files"] = data_files kwargs["splits"] = splits custom_kwargs = {} for name in inspect.signature(path_or_read_func).parameters.keys(): if name in kwargs.keys(): custom_kwargs[name] = kwargs[name] reader_instance = SimpleBuilder(lazy=lazy, read_func=path_or_read_func) return**custom_kwargs) else: try: reader_cls = import_main_class(path_or_read_func) except ModuleNotFoundError: datasets = load_from_hf( path_or_read_func, name=name, splits=splits, data_files=data_files, streaming=lazy, **kwargs ) else: reader_instance = reader_cls(lazy=lazy, name=name, **kwargs) # Check if selected name and split is valid in this DatasetBuilder if hasattr(reader_instance, "BUILDER_CONFIGS"): if name in reader_cls.BUILDER_CONFIGS.keys(): split_names = reader_cls.BUILDER_CONFIGS[name]["splits"].keys() else: raise ValueError( 'Invalid name "{}". Should be one of {}.'.format(name, list(reader_cls.BUILDER_CONFIGS.keys())) ) elif hasattr(reader_instance, "SPLITS"): split_names = reader_instance.SPLITS.keys() else: raise AttributeError("Either 'SPLITS' or 'BUILDER_CONFIGS' must be implemented for DatasetBuilder.") selected_splits = [] if isinstance(splits, list) or isinstance(splits, tuple): selected_splits.extend(splits) else: selected_splits += [splits] for split_name in selected_splits: if split_name not in split_names and split_name is not None: raise ValueError('Invalid split "{}". Should be one of {}.'.format(split_name, list(split_names))) datasets = reader_instance.read_datasets(data_files=data_files, splits=splits) return datasets
[docs] class MapDataset(Dataset): """ Wraps a map-style dataset-like object as an instance of `MapDataset`, and equips it with `map` and other utility methods. All non-magic methods of the raw object are also accessible. Args: data (list|Dataset): An object with `__getitem__` and `__len__` methods. It could be a list or a subclass of ``. kwargs (dict, optional): Other information to be passed to the dataset. For examples of this class, please see `dataset_self_defined <>`__. """ def __init__(self, data, **kwargs): = data self._transform_pipline = [] self.new_data = = kwargs self.label_list ="label_list", None) self.vocab_info ="vocab_info", None) def _transform(self, data): for fn in self._transform_pipline: data = fn(data) return data def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Basic function of `MapDataset` to get sample from dataset with a given index. """ return self._transform(self.new_data[idx]) if self._transform_pipline else self.new_data[idx] def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of samples in dataset. """ return len(self.new_data)
[docs] def filter(self, fn, num_workers=0): """ Filters samples by the filter function and uses the filtered data to update this dataset. Args: fn (callable): A filter function that takes a sample as input and returns a boolean. Samples that return False would be discarded. num_workers(int, optional): Number of processes for multiprocessing. If set to 0, it doesn't use multiprocessing. Defaults to `0`. """ assert num_workers >= 0, "num_workers should be a non-negative value" if num_workers > 1: shards = [ self._shard(num_shards=num_workers, index=index, contiguous=True) for index in range(num_workers) ] kwds_per_shard = [dict(self=shards[rank], fn=fn) for rank in range(num_workers)] pool = Pool(num_workers, initargs=(RLock(),)) results = [pool.apply_async(self.__class__._filter, kwds=kwds) for kwds in kwds_per_shard] transformed_shards = [r.get() for r in results] pool.close() pool.join() self.new_data = [] for i in range(num_workers): self.new_data += transformed_shards[i].new_data return self else: return self._filter(fn)
def _filter(self, fn): self.new_data = [self.new_data[idx] for idx in range(len(self.new_data)) if fn(self.new_data[idx])] return self def shard(self, num_shards=None, index=None, contiguous=False): self.new_data = self._shard(num_shards=num_shards, index=index, contiguous=contiguous).data return self def _shard(self, num_shards=None, index=None, contiguous=False): """ Split the dataset into `num_shards` pieces. Note that the size of each shard might be different because the original dataset may not be evenly divisible. Args: num_shards (int, optional): An integer representing the number of data shards. If None, `num_shards` would be number of trainers. Defaults to `None`. index (int, optional): An integer representing the index of the current shard. If None, `index` would be the current trainer rank id. Defaults to `None`. contiguous: (bool, optional): If true, contiguous chunks of data will be select for sharding. And total number of examples will be the same. Otherwise each shard will contain all examples of dataset whose index mod `num_shards` = `index`. Defaults to `False`. """ if num_shards is None: num_shards = dist.get_world_size() if index is None: index = dist.get_rank() if contiguous: div = len(self) // num_shards mod = len(self) % num_shards start = div * index + min(index, mod) end = start + div + (1 if index < mod else 0) new_data = [self.new_data[idx] for idx in range(start, end)] else: new_data = [self.new_data[idx] for idx in range(len(self.new_data)) if idx % num_shards == index] return MapDataset(new_data)
[docs] def map(self, fn, lazy=True, batched=False, num_workers=0): """ Performs specific function on the dataset to transform and update every sample. Args: fn (callable): Transformations to be performed. It receives single sample as argument if batched is False. Else it receives all examples. lazy (bool, optional): If True, transformations would be delayed and performed on demand. Otherwise, transforms all samples at once. Note that if `fn` is stochastic, `lazy` should be True or you will get the same result on all epochs. Defaults to False. batched(bool, optional): If True, transformations would take all examples as input and return a collection of transformed examples. Note that if set True, `lazy` option would be ignored. Defaults to False. num_workers(int, optional): Number of processes for multiprocessing. If set to 0, it doesn't use multiprocessing. Note that if set to positive value, `lazy` option would be ignored. Defaults to 0. """ assert num_workers >= 0, "num_workers should be a non-negative value" if num_workers > 1: shards = [ self._shard(num_shards=num_workers, index=index, contiguous=True) for index in range(num_workers) ] kwds_per_shard = [ dict(self=shards[rank], fn=fn, lazy=False, batched=batched) for rank in range(num_workers) ] pool = Pool(num_workers, initargs=(RLock(),)) results = [pool.apply_async(self.__class__._map, kwds=kwds) for kwds in kwds_per_shard] transformed_shards = [r.get() for r in results] pool.close() pool.join() self.new_data = [] for i in range(num_workers): self.new_data += transformed_shards[i].new_data return self else: return self._map(fn, lazy=lazy, batched=batched)
def _map(self, fn, lazy=True, batched=False): if batched: self.new_data = fn(self.new_data) elif lazy: self._transform_pipline.append(fn) else: self.new_data = [fn(self.new_data[idx]) for idx in range(len(self.new_data))] return self
[docs] class IterDataset(IterableDataset): """ Wraps a dataset-like object as an instance of `IterDataset`, and equips it with `map` and other utility methods. All non-magic methods of the raw object also accessible. Args: data (Iterable): An object with `__iter__` function. It can be a Iterable or a subclass of ``. kwargs (dict, optional): Other information to be passed to the dataset. For examples of this class, please see `dataset_self_defined <>`__. """ def __init__(self, data, **kwargs): = data self._transform_pipline = [] self._filter_pipline = [] self.label_list = kwargs.pop("label_list", None) self.vocab_info = kwargs.pop("vocab_info", None) def _transform(self, data): for fn in self._transform_pipline: data = fn(data) return data def _shard_filter(self, num_samples): return True def _filter(self, data): for fn in self._filter_pipline: if not fn(data): return False return True def __iter__(self): """ yields sample sequentially. """ num_samples = 0 if inspect.isfunction( for example in if (not self._filter_pipline or self._filter(self._filter_pipline)) and self._shard_filter( num_samples=num_samples ): yield self._transform(example) if self._transform_pipline else example num_samples += 1 else: if inspect.isgenerator( warnings.warn("Reciving generator as data source, data can only be iterated once") for example in if (not self._filter_pipline or self._filter(self._filter_pipline)) and self._shard_filter( num_samples=num_samples ): yield self._transform(example) if self._transform_pipline else example num_samples += 1 def skip(self, n): if inspect.isfunction( raise NotImplementedError("Function-based IterDataset does not support `.skip()`") = islice(, n, None) return self
[docs] def filter(self, fn): """ Filters samples by the filter function and uses the filtered data to update this dataset. Args: fn (callable): A filter function that takes a sample as input and returns a boolean. Samples that return False are discarded. """ self._filter_pipline.append(fn) return self
[docs] def shard(self, num_shards=None, index=None): """ Split the dataset into `num_shards` pieces. Args: num_shards (int, optional): An integer representing the number of data shards. If None, `num_shards` would be number of trainers. Defaults to None. index (int, optional): An integer representing the index of the current shard. If None, `index` would be the current trainer rank id. Defaults to None. """ if num_shards is None: num_shards = dist.get_world_size() if index is None: index = dist.get_rank() def sharder(num_shards, index, num_samples): if num_samples % num_shards == index: return True else: return False fn = partial(sharder, num_shards=num_shards, index=index) self._shard_filter = fn return self
[docs] def map(self, fn): """ Performs specific function on the dataset to transform and update every sample. Args: fn (callable): Transformations to be performed. It receives single sample as argument. """ self._transform_pipline.append(fn) return self
[docs] class DatasetBuilder: """ A base class for all DatasetBuilder. It provides a `read()` function to turn a data file into a MapDataset or IterDataset. `_get_data()` function and `_read()` function should be implemented to download data file and read data file into a `Iterable` of the examples. For how to define a custom `DatasetBuilder`, please see `contribute_dataset <>`__. """ lazy = False def __init__(self, lazy=None, name=None, **config): if lazy is not None: self.lazy = lazy = name self.config = config def read_datasets(self, splits=None, data_files=None): def remove_if_exit(filepath): if isinstance(filepath, (list, tuple)): for file in filepath: try: os.remove(file) except OSError: pass else: try: os.remove(filepath) except OSError: pass if data_files is None: if splits is None: splits = ( list(self.BUILDER_CONFIGS[]["splits"].keys()) if hasattr(self, "BUILDER_CONFIGS") else list(self.SPLITS.keys()) ) assert ( isinstance(splits, str) or (isinstance(splits, list) and isinstance(splits[0], str)) or (isinstance(splits, tuple) and isinstance(splits[0], str)) ), "`splits` should be a string or list of string or a tuple of string." if isinstance(splits, str): splits = [splits] datasets = DatasetTuple(splits) parallel_env = dist.ParallelEnv() unique_endpoints = _get_unique_endpoints(parallel_env.trainer_endpoints[:]) # move register hook to first and register togather lock_files = [] for split in splits: lock_file = os.path.join(DATA_HOME, self.__class__.__name__) if is not None: lock_file = lock_file + "." + lock_file += "." + split + ".done" + "." + str(os.getppid()) lock_files.append(lock_file) # Must register to all procs to make the lock file can be removed # when any proc breaks. Otherwise, the single registered proc may # not receive proper singal send by the parent proc to exit. atexit.register(lambda: remove_if_exit(lock_files)) for split in splits: filename = self._get_data(split) lock_file = os.path.join(DATA_HOME, self.__class__.__name__) if is not None: lock_file = lock_file + "." + lock_file += "." + split + ".done" + "." + str(os.getppid()) # `lock_file` indicates the finished status of`_get_data`. # `_get_data` only works in the `unique_endpoints` specified # proc since `get_path_from_url` only work for it. The other # procs wait `_get_data` to be finished. if parallel_env.current_endpoint in unique_endpoints: f = open(lock_file, "w") f.close() else: while not os.path.exists(lock_file): time.sleep(1) datasets[split] =, split=split) else: assert ( isinstance(data_files, str) or isinstance(data_files, tuple) or isinstance(data_files, list) ), "`data_files` should be a string or tuple or list of strings." if isinstance(data_files, str): data_files = [data_files] default_split = "train" if splits: if isinstance(splits, str): splits = [splits] datasets = DatasetTuple(splits) assert len(splits) == len( data_files ), "Number of `splits` and number of `data_files` should be the same if you want to specify the split of loacl data file." for i in range(len(data_files)): datasets[splits[i]] =[i], split=splits[i]) else: datasets = DatasetTuple(["split" + str(i) for i in range(len(data_files))]) for i in range(len(data_files)): datasets["split" + str(i)] =[i], split=default_split) return datasets if len(datasets) > 1 else datasets[0]
[docs] def read(self, filename, split="train"): """ Returns a dataset containing all the examples that can be read from the file path. If `self.lazy` is False, this eagerly reads all instances from `self._read()` and returns a `MapDataset`. If `self.lazy` is True, this returns an `IterDataset`, which internally relies on the generator created from `self._read()` to lazily produce examples. In this case your implementation of `_read()` must also be lazy (that is, not load all examples into memory at once). Args: filename (str): Path of data file to read, usually provided by `_get_data` function. split (str, optional): The split name of selected dataset. This only makes a different when data files of different splits have different structures. Returns: A `MapDataset|IterDataset`. """ label_list = self.get_labels() vocab_info = self.get_vocab() def _create_dict(labels): # For multiple labels in the form of list. if isinstance(labels[0], list) or isinstance(labels[0], tuple): label_dict = [] for sub_labels in labels: sub_dict = {} for i, label in enumerate(sub_labels): sub_dict[label] = i label_dict.append(sub_dict) else: label_dict = {} for i, label in enumerate(labels): label_dict[label] = i return label_dict def _convert_label_to_id(labels, label_dict): if isinstance(labels, list) or isinstance(labels, tuple): for label_idx in range(len(labels)): labels[label_idx] = label_dict[labels[label_idx]] else: labels = label_dict[labels] return labels if self.lazy: def generate_examples(): generator = ( self._read(filename, split) if self._read.__code__.co_argcount > 2 else self._read(filename) ) for example in generator: # We need to check if the example contains label column and confirm its name. # For now we only allow `label` or `labels` to be the name of label column. if "labels" in example.keys(): label_col = "labels" elif "label" in example.keys(): label_col = "label" else: label_col = None # Convert class label to label ids. if label_list is not None and example.get(label_col, None): label_dict = _create_dict(label_list) # For multiple labels in the form of list. if isinstance(label_dict, list): for idx, sub_dict in enumerate(label_dict): example[label_col][idx] = _convert_label_to_id(example[label_col][idx], sub_dict) else: example[label_col] = _convert_label_to_id(example[label_col], label_dict) yield example else: yield example return IterDataset(generate_examples(), label_list=label_list, vocab_info=vocab_info) else: examples = self._read(filename, split) if self._read.__code__.co_argcount > 2 else self._read(filename) # Then some validation. if not isinstance(examples, list): examples = list(examples) if not examples: raise ValueError( "No instances were read from the given filepath {}. " "Is the path correct?".format(filename) ) # We need to check if the example contains label column and confirm its name. # For now we only allow `label` or `labels` to be the name of label column. if "labels" in examples[0].keys(): label_col = "labels" elif "label" in examples[0].keys(): label_col = "label" else: label_col = None # Convert class label to label ids. if label_list is not None and examples[0].get(label_col, None): label_dict = _create_dict(label_list) for idx in range(len(examples)): # For multiple labels in the form of list. if isinstance(label_dict, list): for i, sub_dict in enumerate(label_dict): examples[idx][label_col][i] = _convert_label_to_id(examples[idx][label_col][i], sub_dict) else: examples[idx][label_col] = _convert_label_to_id(examples[idx][label_col], label_dict) return MapDataset(examples, label_list=label_list, vocab_info=vocab_info)
def _read(self, filename: str, *args): """ Reads examples from the given file_path and returns them as an `Iterable` (which could be a list or a generator). This method must be implemented in self-defined `DatasetBuilder`. """ raise NotImplementedError def _get_data(self, mode: str): """ Downloads examples from the given URL and customized split informations and returns a filepath. This method must be implemented in self-defined `DatasetBuilder`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_labels(self): """ Returns list of class labels of the dataset if specified. """ return None
[docs] def get_vocab(self): """ Returns vocab file path of the dataset if specified. """ return None
class SimpleBuilder(DatasetBuilder): def __init__(self, lazy, read_func): self._read = read_func self.lazy = lazy def read(self, **kwargs): if self.lazy: def generate_examples(): generator = self._read(**kwargs) for example in generator: yield example return IterDataset(generate_examples) else: examples = self._read(**kwargs) if hasattr(examples, "__len__") and hasattr(examples, "__getitem__"): return MapDataset(examples) else: return MapDataset(list(examples))