Source code for paddlenlp.dataaug.base_augment

# Copyright (c) 2023 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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import math
import os
import re
from typing import Iterable

from paddle.dataset.common import md5file
from import get_path_from_url

from import JiebaTokenizer, Vocab
from ..utils.env import DATA_HOME

[docs]class BaseAugment(object): """ A base class for data augmentation Args: create_n (int): Number of augmented sequences. aug_n (int): Number of augmented words in sequences. aug_percent (int): Percentage of augmented words in sequences. aug_min (int): Minimum number of augmented words in sequences. aug_max (int): Maximum number of augmented words in sequences. """ def __init__(self, create_n=1, aug_n=None, aug_percent=0.1, aug_min=1, aug_max=10, vocab="vocab"): self._DATA = { "stop_words": ( "stopwords.txt", "a4a76df756194777ca18cd788231b474", "", ), "vocab": ( "baidu_encyclopedia_w2v_vocab.json", "25c2d41aec5a6d328a65c1995d4e4c2e", "", ), "test_vocab": ( "test_vocab.json", "1d2fce1c80a4a0ec2e90a136f339ab88", "", ), "word_synonym": ( "word_synonym.json", "aaa9f864b4af4123bce4bf138a5bfa0d", "", ), "word_embedding": ( "word_embedding.json", "534aa4ad274def4deff585cefd8ead32", "", ), "word_homonym": ( "word_homonym.json", "a578c04201a697e738f6a1ad555787d5", "", ), "char_homonym": ( "char_homonym.json", "dd98d5d5d32a3d3dd45c8f7ca503c7df", "", ), "char_antonym": ( "char_antonym.json", "f892f5dce06f17d19949ebcbe0ed52b7", "", ), "word_antonym": ( "word_antonym.json", "cbea11fa99fbe9d07e8185750b37e84a", "", ), } self.stop_words = self._get_data("stop_words") self.aug_n = aug_n self.aug_percent = aug_percent self.aug_min = aug_min self.aug_max = aug_max self.create_n = create_n self.vocab = Vocab.from_json(self._load_file(vocab)) self.tokenizer = JiebaTokenizer(self.vocab) self.loop = 5
[docs] @classmethod def clean(cls, sequences): """Clean input sequences""" if isinstance(sequences, str): return sequences.strip() if isinstance(sequences, Iterable): return [str(s).strip() if s else s for s in sequences] return str(sequences).strip()
def _load_file(self, mode): """Check and download data""" default_root = os.path.join(DATA_HOME, self.__class__.__name__) filename, data_hash, url = self._DATA[mode] fullname = os.path.join(default_root, filename) if not os.path.exists(fullname) or (data_hash and not md5file(fullname) == data_hash): get_path_from_url(url, default_root, data_hash) return fullname def _get_data(self, mode): """Read data as list""" fullname = self._load_file(mode) data = [] if os.path.exists(fullname): with open(fullname, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: data.append(line.strip()) f.close() else: raise ValueError("The {} should exist.".format(fullname)) return data def _get_aug_n(self, size, size_a=None): """Calculate number of words for data augmentation""" if size == 0: return 0 aug_n = self.aug_n or int(math.ceil(self.aug_percent * size)) if self.aug_min and aug_n < self.aug_min: aug_n = self.aug_min elif self.aug_max and aug_n > self.aug_max: aug_n = self.aug_max if size_a is not None: aug_n = min(aug_n, int(math.floor(size_a * 0.3))) return aug_n def _skip_stop_word_tokens(self, seq_tokens): """Skip words. We can rewrite function to skip specify words.""" indexes = [] for i, seq_token in enumerate(seq_tokens): if ( seq_token not in self.stop_words and not seq_token.isdigit() and not bool("\d", seq_token)) and not seq_token.encode("UTF-8").isalpha() ): indexes.append(i) return indexes
[docs] def augment(self, sequences, num_thread=1): """ Apply augmentation strategy on input sequences. Args: sequences (str or list(str)): Input sequence or list of input sequences. num_thread (int): Number of threads """ sequences = self.clean(sequences) # Single Thread if num_thread == 1: if isinstance(sequences, str): return [self._augment(sequences)] else: output = [] for sequence in sequences: output.append(self._augment(sequence)) return output else: raise NotImplementedError
def _augment(self, sequence): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class FileAugment(object): """ File data augmentation Args: strategies (List): List of augmentation strategies. """ def __init__(self, strategies): self.strategies = strategies def augment(self, input_file, output_file="aug.txt", separator=None, separator_id=0): output_sequences = [] sequences = [] input_sequences = self.file_read(input_file) if separator: for input_sequence in input_sequences: sequences.append(input_sequence.split(separator)[separator_id]) else: sequences = input_sequences for strategy in self.strategies: aug_sequences = strategy.augment(sequences) if separator: for aug_sequence, input_sequence in zip(aug_sequences, input_sequences): input_items = input_sequence.split(separator) for s in aug_sequence: input_items[separator_id] = s output_sequences.append(separator.join(input_items)) else: for aug_sequence in aug_sequences: output_sequences += aug_sequence if output_file: self.file_write(output_sequences, output_file) return output_sequences def file_read(self, input_file): input_sequences = [] with open(input_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: input_sequences.append(line.strip()) f.close() return input_sequences def file_write(self, output_sequences, output_file): with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: for output_sequence in output_sequences: f.write(output_sequence + "\n") f.close()